At least, he does to me.

Before this goes any further, I should also clarify. My name is not Gary. Never has been. Never will be. No one else calls me Gary, just him.

My actual name is Grayson (Gray for short); Grayson McKinney.

And who was that, exactly? Cooper Watson, my best friend since first grade; also the most obnoxious person you'll ever meet.

Would I die for him? Yeah, probably.

Would I also be the first to try to kill him? Almost definitely.

The first time we met almost felt like something out of a bad movie. I'd be in class, bored out of my mind when he'd slipped me a note to introduce himself. To this day I don't even know why I wrote back, it wasn't like me at all.

I guess I was tired of being on my own.

So yeah, my best friend is Cooper. He calls me Gary (still not my name), and now I'm stuck going to a horror movie that will probably end up making me either cry, shit myself, or do both simultaneously.


Hi lovelies,

Just saw 27 Roses in theaters and it was to die for as I expected. I would 100% recommend it.

Now I know what you're thinking. Gossip, that's great and all, but really not the interesting part. Give us the tea!

Well, I didn't bring it up for no reason, trust me. Seen at the movies was none other than popular-jock Dylan Goodwin and shy-goth Marcy Henderson.

(Who has given me explicit permission to write about their date.)

"It's a funny story, really. I got detention after mouthing off in class. That's where we met." - Dylan.

"I never thought I could have so much fun with someone so different from me, but we ended up having a lot more in common than I thought." - Marcy.

While their relationship has only been going for a couple of weeks, the two expressed to me their confidence that it will last, so I wish them the best of luck!

More updates to come!

- Gossip

"Would you get off your phone? The movie's about to start!" Cooper whined next to me, shaking me by my arm and almost making me drop the phone.

I shook him off with a huff, turning my phone on silent before pocketing it. "Are you going to tell me anything about what we're seeing so I can prepare myself?"

Cooper did that thing where he taps his chin and pretends to think, like he's a detective in a cheesy mystery film. "Well, we're not actually supposed to be here for one thing."

I felt my heart drop to my stomach. "Wait, what?"

"Well, because of the movie's rating, we'd need a guardian, so I just bought us tickets to some kid's film and snuck us in here," he stated cheerfully, snatching some popcorn off the bucket sitting on my lap.

As if I wasn't shaking in my seat.

Look, horror is just not my thing. I can't stand jump-scares, I'm not good with blood and frankly I spend the entire movie peeking through my fingers as I try not to look directly at the screen.

My sister calls me a pussy, I prefer to think I'm just too sophisticated for such films.

So hearing this movie was apparently so fucked up that we needed a guardian to be here was not helping.

Like, sure, people sneak into movies they're not supposed to see all the time, even I've done it once or twice, but usually it was because there was sex or some kind of nudity in the film, not because it was some freaky bloodbath gore fest that would leave me unable to sleep for the next week.

"Dude, you're vibrating the row. Chill out." Cooper told me, eyebrows pinched in concern.

Like he didn't cause this mess.

"I-I can't. Nope. I'm out." I all but tossed bucket of popcorn onto the empty seat next to me and shot up, intending to ditch him without a second thought.

But then he grabbed my hand. I felt a jolt go through my body as I turned to face him.

"C'mon, Gary..." Cooper pleaded. "I don't want to see it alone. It won't be that bad, I promise."

I let out a frustrated breath, a bit torn about what to do. On one hand, I was pissed at him for getting me in this situation, but on the other hand I know horror movies are something Cooper loves, and he just wants to share them with me.

And like I stated before, Cooper is just someone I can never seem to say no to.

After a moment of contemplation, I sat back down, crossing my arms and doing my best to look like the biggest killjoy on the planet. "Let's get this shit over with."

I did my best not to meet Cooper's beaming expression. Even though I was annoyed, a small part of me was happy to see him so happy.

Which I guess was kind of the whole point anyways.

"I'm proud of you, Gar. You made it through the whole movie and you didn't even cry!" I vaguely heard Cooper speak enthusiastically as I threw up in the theater's shitty bathroom.

I managed to pause my hurling just long enough to flip him off before I was puking up what little popcorn I ate during the movie.

Reminder to self: Get revenge on Cooper by making him watch the shittiest, cheesiest romcom I can find.

I'm never sleeping again. I'm never eating again.

I'm never leaving the house again.

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