"Where are we going?" Kai asked after a few minutes of continued driving. "You'll see" the man answered keeping his face in the road. In the main time Kai was feeling sad, no one had wished him happy birthday in person or even through text. He was there refreshing his feed every few seconds waiting for someone to wish him a happy birthday, he was so close to crying if Duke wasn't next to him. 'Maybe he is taking me to my party' he hopped closing his eyes for a few minutes.

"We are here!" a deep voice disturbed him from his thoughts, "Where?" Kai asked coming down from the car, looking at the structure before him. He turned towards Duke annoyed and confused at the location of option "The shooting range, are you serious?" Kai said in a hopeless and sore tone. "Yup" Duke answered getting their things from the trunk. Kai was far ahead already by the counter waiting for Duke. Duke in the main time was sharing his location with the other group members so that they'll know where he is at every moment.

"Name?" the cashier asked ready to type "Duke Dennis" the man answered waiting for the woman to allow him to move to their stall. Kai said nothing he was too busy targeting the dummy's face over and over again, when Duke would move closer to him, he wouldn't talk. He was silent but his body gestures were enough to warn the guy to keep his distance. "You gonna finish all the bullets like that" Duke said moving away from the shorter man. "Imma go to the toilet shorty!" Duke said once more, fastly moving away from the boy.

While in the toilet Duke was typing to the other guys.

Duke: this lil nigga is crazy fr

Agent: what? why

Fanum: we already knew

Duke: if he could, I would be dead by now.

Davis: it can't be that bad!

Chris: haha you scared of Shorty

Duke: nha you guys can't understand - Duke replied sending them a video he took just a mere few minutes ago of their friends going crazy ass nigga mode on a dummy-

Fanum: be careful or you gonna be in the next meal

Chriss: fat ass do you always have to think about food

Fanum: shut the fuck up

Duke: we'll be home in an hour or so, you guys make sure everything is okay

They all said okay, before logging of the chat and Duke made his way back to where their spot was.

"what took you so long?" Kai asked handing his gun over to Duke "I was looking something up on my phone" Duke answered taking the gun away from Kai's hands. "I'm hungry," Kai announced still with a grumpy scrunch on his face. "Whatchu wanna eat then?" Duke asked looking at the time on his watch "Chick-fil-A" Kai simply said adding nothing else to his answer. Ten minutes later, they finally arrived at the food chain they ate quietly making small talk here and there.


At the house

"Who the fuck is going to call him?" Fanum asked, "Already done it" Chris announced seeing that they were like five minutes away from the house, They made sure that they turned off the music, made everybody hide in the backyard or behind some furniture and lastly switched the lights off.

9 pm ticked on the clock when Kai passed through the main door with his face buried in his phone. "Happy Birthday" Kai heard multiple voices shout towards his direction at the same time. The phone he was holding fell from the shock of the outburst of the noise. People were hugging him tightly and wishing him great things over and over again. He didn't know what to do except putting a huge smile on his face as a thank you to the people.

"LET THE PARTY BEGIN!" a manly voice shouted, it came from Darren -Ishow speed- he was standing on one of the tables while downing a full cup of whatever concussion he had created. Some guys in the crowd went along shouting before the music could be heard at full volume on the speakers, the sounds surrounding Kai were defining, somehow he found a cup of some drink in his hand, he looked around seeing Duke still standing behind him, he smiled in happiness.

"Come," Someone said pulling Kai by his forearm, he didn't resist at all when he saw it was someone with short hair and a thick bushy bear, Chris. "Here," the man in front of him said pointing at some clothes on the bed, a plain white shirt with some buttons on and the others looked popped up and a pair of black baggy jeans. He wore them before running back downstairs to the party. He went directly outside to see multiple lights attached from one end to another. The swimming pool was full of people, shirtless or with shirts, drinking and not. Some of his friends were on the roof of the house, taking a run before jumping bomb-style inside the swimming pool. He was cheering along with the other people to down their drinks.

he was busy dancing away to the music when he felt someone slapping a sticky substance to the back of his neck, the ting felt as if burning fire had been placed on it before his neck. "What the..." Kai wasn't able to finish his complaint when he felt Davis leaning in close to his ear and said "Just to make sure your gender doesn't burst out of nowhere" before he disappeared with some random girl in the crowd.

"Wanna dance?" a feminine voice said, Zoe his best friend, he thought about it for a moment but before he could answer he got dragged to the dancing area, where God knows what happened because everything was blank in his head at that moment in time.


Around 2 am

The house was still full of people drinking, smoking, dancing or passed out on the floor. Kai went towards the couches in the living room. He sat by Duke's side waiting for the guy to give him the blunt he was smoking. "How you feeling?" One of the people smoking there asked laughing at the dazzled look in Kai's eyes. "drunk as fuck plus this place is hot as fuck" Kai answered taking in a puff from the blunt. "It's not the place, it's your second gender!" Duke said moving closer to the younger man's ear.

The weed, the smoke, the drinks and the hormones had started kicking in like crazy. Kai was slumped on the chair, he looked half dead "Nigga you cooked as fuck!" Fanum said downing the remaining fluids in his cup. Kai was unable to answer anything said to him. His body was heating up at such a fast pace. "Let me take you up!" Duke said holding Kai by his shoulders.

Kai had no problem with being escorted back to his room. Duke carefully placed him on the bed and helped him remove his shoes. "If you need anything just call" Duke commanded using his inner voice. Kai moved around a bit trying to find the most comfortable position to fall asleep but nothing until he tore off the plaster Chris had placed on his neck. 'Now it feels better' Kai thought relaxing more and more in the soft fabric of his bed. "Okay, I'm gonna go now!" Duke said grabbing his phone from the bed.

"Why? no stay with me" a drowsy Kai pleaded in a sleepy voice.

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