"Are you even doing work?" I heard Eren as he walked past me in the kitchen. I blinked before looking at him and sighing. I shook my head lightly as he went into his fridge and grabbed a bottle of water.

"No. I can't focus. It's too much. How are you so relaxed?" I ask him as if it is a bit eerie that he can be so calm. He shrugs his shoulders, unsure why.

"I don't know. Too optimistic, I guess. Anyone talk to you at all?" He asks. I shook my head with a scoff.

"No. Obviously not." He chuckled before sitting by me at the dining table in his kitchen. He observed my empty notebook before placing his hand on mine, caressing it in a comforting manner. I sighed.

"What if you go to prison?" I ask him out of worry. He inhales a sharp breath before exhaling.

"Then I go to prison. Nothing I can do about it, right?" He sounds resigned with the topic and it makes me sad that he has given up a bit. I shook my head.

"No. Why are you giving up?" Eren's eyebrows creased before huffing, smiling.

"I'm not. I'm confident it'll be alright but I just don't know how to answer your question, babe," He replies a bit lightheartedly. I blinked before looking back down at my school items. I pushed them away lightly before leaning back on my chair and watching Eren. I lightly nudged his leg with my foot under the table.

"Let's go to Italy. Like we said we would." Eren chuckles at my suggestion before responding.

"I would love to but I can't leave the country without being a federal criminal. So it'll have to wait a bit." I scoffed in response, looking out of the window.

"Who cares?" Eren's eyebrows raised at the sound of my tone and words. He looks at me a bit more seriously before speaking again.

"What do you mean?" I look back at him and observe his beautiful skin. His long hair and green eyes. His perfectly sculpted bone structure. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I dunno, I just...I got nothing to lose. Do you?" I ask him. Eren's eyebrows twitched a bit before exhaling a deep breath.

"Well, my mom is someone. She's the only reason I'm still here, really." Right. I forgot about his mother for a second. Then it's a selfish thought. I nodded.

"Right. Sorry. I forgot for a second...Maybe you should go see her. Before the trial. I'm sure your dad caught her up, right?" I ask. He scoffs before tying his hair up.

"Yeah, probably. I should go see her."



Eren has taken your advice and driven to his Mother's treatment facility. He misses her, of course. He had been so consumed with the chaos of his life that he had forgotten the only woman who truly gave him some peace. Well, now you were a part of that line up but Eren can admit that it wasn't always like that with you. He chuckles at the thought as he pulls into the building, parking his car, and getting out. And so he checks in with the front desk and makes his way to the room he has been in once before. He knocks softly and opens the door, seeing his Mother sitting up and drinking tea. She smiles with relief to see him. He closes the door behind him before washing his hands and putting a mask on.

He approaches his Mother and hugs her before sitting beside her, holding her hand gently. He misses her. She is right in front of him and he still misses her. She places her mug down and runs her hands through Eren's hair before caressing his cheek in a maternal manner.

"Well, it's been awhile, no? What's going on, baby?" She asks him gently. He swallows at the question. There is a lot going on. There is so much he can say. Mom, I'm a criminal. Mom, I fucked up badly. Mom, I don't want to go to jail or prison. Mom, I'm in big trouble. I want to run. But I can never leave you. I don't want to sit in a cell while you are fighting for your life out here. I don't want you to die and I am not able to get to you or attend your funeral. I'm just...

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