Exercise, Excursion, Extermination

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"That halo... is that an angel? It looks different from the exterminators." Many of the gym goers looked onward at the toddler-looking angel who was mortified to where he was, the diverse sinners started gathering away from the two imps arguing at the gym owner and instead, gaze at the small bundle of light on the floor.

"Stay back! I have a—" Cletus yelled but he felt his hand lack something solid so glanced down to realize that he no longer had his blessed crossbow, the one he foolishly dropped back on earth.

"No, wait! Please! It was an accident, I'm not supposed to be here!" The Cherub cried out as tears leaked down his rosy cheeks and stumbled across the floor.

More demons started surrounding the babe, species such as sinners, imps, hellhounds, and some succubus had a predatory gaze at the defenseless angel who was in a vulnerable fetal position and bawling his eyes out.

"Please, don't hurt me..." He sniffled in this hopeless situation, "I just want to save people... Lord save me please..."

Their clawed hands were about to tear the angel apart as their sharp teeth dripped with saliva as they were about to savor this weak little thing—


A hulking figure in professional business attire stood over the crying angel, his bulging muscles appearing to be growing and stretching the white shirt's fabric as his teeth formed into a nasty snarl growl and his nose blew out smoke, his orange eyes glowed bright yellow with fury. His red fists clenched with hatred towards his gym-goers, these disgusting and cowardly lots preying on the defenseless.

"You dare? In my domain?" His voice graveled with threat.

"I don't give a shit!" A sinner in the form of a tiger roared out, "Those angels need to pay back for killing our kind!"

"Sounds like a 'you' problem to me, you had a chance to live a good life yet here you are." Khorne growled as he towered over the feline sinner, "This angel is nothing to those spear-chucking chickens that you fear."

"So. Back. Off."

The Tiger sinner seems to not get the memo and instead growls back then bearing his sharp claws, "Oh yeah? What would some hellhound-imp hybrid gonn— ACK!"

Without warning, his lower jaw went missing and only red liquid splashed on his pecks. He gurgled and looked down in gruesome disbelief before realizing palms held his collarbone and head subsequently his jawless head was ripped off!

"WAAAGH!!!" Khorne held the head and spine of the tiger sinner, the demons gawking at the brutal sudden display which prompted them in a bloodied frenzy to avenge their (temporarily) dead sinner.

Many tried to hound the red monster but he was ready for their pathetic gang up by holding an empty weight bar and swatted a swat of the demons back, Khorne then took one of the weights with his other palm and jammed the weight between a hellhound's jaw and breaking her mouth. Khorne then stomped his hoof on some imp into a red paste which was trying to sneak underneath him to get to the cherub. Khorne threw the bar like a javelin and pierced three demons, next the berserker threw the weight plate akin to a frisbee to decapitate four demons.


Cletus watched in horror yet admiration at the raging monster above him, a demon trying to protect an angel. Preposterous would have said back then but witnessing it up close? It was so surreal as black blood splashed across the carnage as a dark drop painted on his rosy cheek. He tried to crawl away for safety but some vulture sinner unfortunately swooped him.

"Stop it or I'm gonna kill this little shit!" The Vulture demon had a knife slightly cutting the cherub's rosy cheek much to the terrified Cletus.

Khorne's white business shirt was soaking crimson dark due to the bloodbath he had bathed in, the hill of corpses he stood over was tantamount to his skill in combat. His blazing eyes glared hatefully at the scummy move pulled by this pathetic sinner, Khorne crushed the head of an incubi with his fist angrily before tossing away the corpse.

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