"I won't let you hurt him," Aleks gasped, forcing time to obey him with all his might. Blood ran from his nose, but he wouldn't give in.

Belial disarmed Raphael and attacked, but the archangel pulled himself out of his torpor and backed away. He looked at Aleks with glowing eyes. "Time to end this farce," he said in a cold voice. His palm began to glow again, and a small ball appeared in the palm of his hand.


His father fired them at his mate.

Belial braced himself, but the bullet was intercepted by a body. No, not again. "Aleksander!"

The bullet pierced Aleks' chest and was absorbed. The impact hurt, then a fire shot through his veins, a pain that blew any fuses on him. He didn't stand a chance. A second later, magic shot out of Aleks' body. His wings and limbs cramped and bent into unhealthy positions, and everyone heard the crashing and breaking of numerous bones. Aleks fell forward unconscious, blood dripping from numerous wounds where his skin had been torn open.

Raphael was frozen. How could he get into the firing line so quickly? That is not possible. This is contrary to the laws of time. Without hesitation, he got down on his knees before his son and let his healing magic flow into him. A green light traveled over his body and brought him from the threshold of death. A black blade hit the barrier he had created.

"Take your hands off my mate," cried the demon, whose inner demon had taken control. That's when he saw the mark on Aleks' chest. He made a bond with the demon? Now his reactions made sense, but it wouldn't stop him from taking him with him. Aleks didn't belong here. Raphael put his arms around his son and lifted him up. Then he concentrated his magic among himself until it reached the critical threshold.

Belial broke through the barrier, but it was too late. Raphael pushed off the ground and shot up at incredible speed. Belial followed him, but was too slow. A great portal of light appeared above them and the archangel darted through it with Aleks in his arms. This closed and Belial had no way to follow them. An angry cry tore the sky apart.

Enraged, Belial landed on the ground. Lucan and Zack had taken care of Lyric, who wiped the blood from his mouth. Raphael had broken three ribs and his left arm. Belial tried to calm down, but his inner demon rebelled. We need to calm down, for Aleksander. Slowly, his demon relented.

Only a prince of Hell would have had a chance against an archangel. He had fought a losing battle. Hell Lord. Where was Astaroth? His eyes scanned the surroundings and saw him coming out of the house, his son in his arms. He had a hard, impenetrable expression on his face.

"Why didn't you prevent it?" Zack shouted, running towards the prince of Hell, beside himself. But it wasn't Lucan who stopped him. Belial's monotonous voice rang out after he wrapped an arm around Aleks' brother to stop him from attacking Astaroth. "Zackory, he protected Sai. There was nothing he could do. Astaroth did the right thing and hid Sai."

Zack knew Belial was right, but reason wasn't what controlled his body right now. Enraged, he tore himself away. Damn, I'm so useless. "Shit!" he yelled.

"Nyiam, please calm down. Please, for the sake of our child," Lucan said, pulling him into his arms against his will. Tears ran down his cheek.

"It had to happen," Nix' voice rang out, and everyone looked at the oracle that had stepped out of a portal.

Now Belial's patience also broke. He grabbed Nix by the collar and pulled him forward, coming after him completely. "What are you trying to say? You knew about it?" he grumbled, but Nix remained calm.


Excuse me?

"Let him go, Belial," a serious voice rang out, and his hand was grabbed.

Belial knew that he was threatening Lyric's mate and that he reacted instinctively. "Aleks is in heaven. It was the only way to get the third key," Nix said calmly.

A silence spread. "Will he come back?" Belial asked in a cold voice.

"I don't know," Nix said.

Those were not the words he had wanted to hear. Cautiously, he let go of the oracle. "Pray he'll come back, or—" he broke off, for there was no need to continue. Everyone already knew the answer. Silently, Belial went to Astaroth to take Sai. Then he went into the house, needing distance.

Nix supported his mate, who was swaying. "Let's go home, there's nothing we can do right now," he told Lyric worriedly. Reluctantly, he nodded and the two disappeared.

Lucan and Zack did the same, leaving only Astaroth. He touched his throat for the first time in a thousand years, a gesture of vulnerability. That's when he felt that the amulet – the key to empathy – had disappeared. This was now around Sai's neck.

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