"What are you suggesting?" Bash asks.

"I want a feast." I smile making them give me a surprised look.

Gilbert sighs. "We better get to work then."

Mary and I head to my bedroom so I can unpack my belongings. I show her the pastries I got for Bash and she shares some things that have been happening in Avonlea.

As Mary and I unpack my belongings in the coziness of my room, she glances at me with a sly smile. "Alright, spill the beans, Ada. What's the deal with you and Gilbert?"

I chuckle, organizing my clothes, trying to evade the question. "Oh, you know, the usual. He's a great friend, and we've been through a lot together."

Mary raises an eyebrow, not buying my attempt to downplay it. "Come on, Ada. I've seen the way he looks at you, and vice versa. There's more than 'great friends' there. What's really going on?"

I sigh, realizing I can't escape this conversation. "Okay, fine. There's something more. We're close, and I can't deny there are deeper feelings. But, Mary, it's complicated. We haven't quite figured it out."

She grins, nudging me playfully. "What's holding you back?"

I pause, considering my words. "Timing, uncertainty, fear of ruining what we have. You know, the usual mess that comes with matters of the heart."

Mary gives me a knowing look. "Love isn't always neat and tidy, Ada. Sometimes, you just have to take the leap. Life's too short to dance around what you really want." She glances over her shoulder before whispering. "Personally I hope you act fast because this is killing me!"

I snicker before narrowing my eyes at her hand. "Mary, what happened to your hand?"

She sighs, looking down at it. "It's a long story."


As the evening winds down and the remnants of our delightful dinner are cleared away, a comfortable fatigue settles over us. Mary, Sebastian, Gilbert, and I find ourselves in the living room, the soft glow of lamplight casting a warm ambiance. I rock back and forth as I cradle Delphine in my arms. She is the sweetest baby I've ever come in contact with.

Sebastian stifles a yawn, stretching his arms. "Well, I don't know about you all, but that feast has left me pleasantly exhausted."

Mary chuckles, nodding in agreement. "It was wonderful. You boys outdid yourselves."

"It was pretty good." I shrug in a teasing way.

"Those pastries tasted even better though." Sebastian says, rubbing his belly.

As the night progresses, the cozy living room becomes a haven of shared stories and laughter. However, the weariness of the day starts to catch up with us.

"Perhaps it's time we call it a night," Mary suggests.

Sebastian nods, standing up and stretching once more. "Agreed."

As we make our way to the bedrooms, the house settles into a peaceful hush. I get Delphine settled back into her crib and bid Mary and Bash goodnight. The moonlight spills through my bedroom window, casting a gentle glow across the room. I find myself lost in a cascade of thoughts, the events of the day unfolding.

I hear a soft knock on the door, and my heart skips a beat. Gilbert enters, his expression warm and open. "I hope I'm not disturbing you," he says, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

A genuine warmth fills the room as he approaches, and I gesture for him to sit beside me on the bed. "Not at all, Gilbert. What brings you here?"

He leans back against the bedpost, a casual ease in his posture. "I just wanted to check in. See if you need help with anything."

I smile, appreciating his thoughtful gesture. "I think I've gotten everything unpacked." I sigh, leaning my head back against the bed frame. "It feels good to be home, surrounded by familiar faces."

Gilbert nods, his eyes reflecting a shared understanding. "It's been different without you here."

A playful glint lights up his eyes, and I can't help but tease, "Please tell me you've kept yourself busy?"

"Yes I have." He chuckles. "I've been visiting Charlottetown every weekend. Dr. Ward has been very helpful."

"I'm glad to hear." I slide under the cover and turn to face him. "I can't believe we are old enough to attend college and etiquette schools."

"I can't believe we've known each other for over ten years." Gilbert shakes his head. "Do you remember the time we got caught sneaking into the old barn?" He muses, a nostalgic glint in his eyes.

I laugh, recalling the mischievous escapade. "How could I forget? We were convinced we'd discovered hidden treasures, only to find ourselves facing Old Man Jenkins."

Gilbert grins, "You're Mother about tore our hides."

The room is filled with the soft cadence of our laughter, the playful banter continuing into the late hours. It's as if time has slowed, allowing us to savor each moment.

Gilbert's eyes meet mine, and we share a knowing glance. The air is charged with a sweet tension, and a daring thought takes root.

"Remember the time we danced at the White Sands Winter Ball?" I bring up, a hint of mischief in my voice. "You were quite the reluctant dancer, but I managed to drag you onto the dance floor."

Gilbert grins, his gaze never leaving mine. "Ah, how could I forget? I may not be the most graceful dancer, but I do recall a certain someone stepping on my toes."

I feign innocence, batting my eyelashes. "I was eight years old, Gilbert. Besides, it made for a memorable dance."

Our laughter subsides, and in the quiet aftermath, our eyes lock with an intensity that defies the simplicity of friendship. The unspoken words linger, a delicate dance of emotions swirling between us.

"You know," Gilbert says, his voice a soft murmur, "I've missed this. Just being able to talk and laugh with you without the weight of time and distance."

A warmth spreads through my chest, and I reach out, tracing patterns on the bedcover. "Me too, Gilbert."

As if testing the waters, Gilbert's hand inches closer, his warm fingers brushing against mine. The connection is subtle but charged with a shared understanding.

Our eyes remain locked, and the weight of the unspoken hovers like a delicate promise. In the quiet sanctuary of the night, we drift into sleep, the lingering connection of our shared stories and unspoken words creating a cocoon of warmth and possibility.

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