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season 2

chapter storyline fromstation 19season 6 episode 4chicago fireseason 1 episode 10 & 11

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chapter storyline from
station 19
season 6 episode 4
chicago fire
season 1 episode 10 & 11

Theo readjusted his bag on his shoulder as he walked through the stations doors. His eyes drifted to see Logan sitting behind the desk on the phone with someone. The two nodded at each other as Theo dropped his bag onto the ground.

"Theodore! Happy Halloween!"

Theo's head turned to see Luella make her way down the stairs, Halloween decorations filled her hands. His brows furrowed, "Lulu, you're...chipper."

"She's been like this all morning." Logan commented, his hand covering the phones mic.

"All morning? You start the same time I do today." Theo said turning back to Luella who shrugged, "It's Halloween. The tricks, the treats. Who doesn't love it?"


"Well I changed my mind. I love Halloween." She said as she hung spider webs on the stair railing. A laugh could be heard and they turned to see Cleo walking towards them, "That's a funny joke. You and Halloween?"

"It's true. I've decided to embrace the craziness."

Logan coved the phone mic again and muttered to Theo, "We'll see how long that lasts."

Making their way into the kitchen, they found Ayla making coffee and Alex pacing back and forth on the phone.

"It's important too...no, no I...Fine. Okay."

The team's eyes fell on Alex. "What's that about?" Theo asked Ayla. She shrugged and took a sip of her coffee, "Don't know. Walked in and he was already like this."

"I said Okay. It's fine. Love you. Bye." Alex hung up the phone with a sigh. "What was that about? Come on, tell us Cap." Logan said with a smirk on his face. "Uh Christina. Christina has to work late tonight so she won't be able to bring the girls for trick-or-treating."



"They need to be here!"

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