"Ian Joseph Somerhalder!" She knees me in the thigh.

"Come on, you're such a wimp." I say to her and keep tickling her.

She twists and turns.

"Please!" She pouts her lips.

"I'm sorry I punched you!" She puts her hands on my hips.

"I'm not ticklish." I say as she try's to tickle me.

She sticks her tongue out.

"Okay okay, I'll stop." I lean down and kiss her on the lips.

"Now get off of me." She winks.

"3 more weeks." I wink at her.

She nods her head and smiles.


Nina's POV

"Can we go to scoops? I don't want to go back home yet." I say to Ian after we walk out of the doctors office.

Harlow now weighs 7 pounds and 13 ounces and is 19 inches long.

"I don't see why not." Ian smiles.

"Good." I kiss him.

"Hi baby girl, ready for your second outing? We're going for ice cream. Something You will try someday." I put Harlow in her car seat.

"Hopefully you get to eat the ice cream this time." Ian jokes.

I grab his hand and hold it all the way to scoops.

We pull up and park and Ian gets out first. I throw on the baby wrap and Ian places Harlow into it.

I put a blanket over her before we walk inside.

"Oh my god." Someone says as we walk in.

"Hi welcome to scoops." One of the workers says with a smile.

"Nina!" One girl shouts from the side.

"Congrats on the baby!" Another says.

Ian and I both smile.

"Thanks." We say at the same time.

"What can I get you?" One of the workers asks.

"Can I get cookie dough?" I say and point to the bucket.

"And I'll take rocky road." Ian says.

After we get our ice cream we walk outside and sit down in the rocking chairs.

A few people wave at us as they walk past to go inside.

"I like how most of the people that live here treat us like normal neighbors." I say and lick my spoon.

I place one hand on Harlows back as she lays sound asleep in the baby wrap.

I rock back and forth.

"I know. I love it. If we were in LA we'd be surrounded by fans right now. I mean I love our fans, I truly do. I just like, being able to walk around and enjoy the day without having any interruptions." Ian says.

"It's a good thing not many fans know we live here then." I wink.

I point over to The Vampire Stalkers shop. Jessica, the owner, walks outside.

"Hey, there's Jessica!" I point to her and Ian looks.

"Let's walk over there and say hi to her." I say.

Ian agrees and we stand up to walk across the street over to the store.

We approach Jessica. Who's back is turned writing on her chalk board sign.

"Hi ma'am can you tell me about your store?" I say jokingly.

Jessica turns around and throws her arms up in the air.

"Nina! Ian! How I've missed y'all!" Jessica says.

Ian walks over and hugs her tightly.

"We wanted to come say hi! We were over at scoops and I seen you." I smile.

"How are you doing?" She asks and smiles.

"Great. We brought this little bundle into the world a week ago." I take the blanket off from Harlow.

"She is so adorable!" Jessica says and puts her hand over her mouth.

"Do you want to hold her?" I ask.

"Can I?" Jessica smiles.

"Can we go inside the store?" Ian asks.

Jessica nods and we walk inside.

She sits down and the other workers gather around.

I place Harlow into her arms.

"She sleeps, all the time." Ian says.

"Literally only see her cute little eyes open for like 3 hours out of the day." I laugh.

Everyone laughs and stares at her.

"She's so tiny I can't handle it." Jessica says.

Harlow grunts and her eyes open. Starring up at Jessica.

"We'll look at that." I say.

"She wants to see all these cool vampire diaries gifts you guys sell." Ian says.

"I know what we can give you." Angie walks over to the clothes rack.

"This onesie." She holds up a onesie that says "future vampire stalker"

"Oh my goodness that's funny!" I hold it out in front of me.

"I'll take it." I smile.

"It's on the house." Jessica smiles at us.

She stands up and hands Harlow back to me.

"You guys I am so incredibly happy for the both of you." She hugs me.

"Thank you Jessica. We promise to stop by more often. We love hanging out here even if we aren't filming around the town." I say.

"Please do. Feel free anytime." Jessica says.

"When are you doing the next tour?" Ian asks.

"Tomorrow and then everyday next week." Jessica says.

"Can I join the tour tomorrow? I'd love to surprise the fans. Just keep it a secret." Ian says with a smile.

"I would love that! The group will go crazy Ian!" Jessica throws her arms around Ian.

"Great, how about I come a little early?" Ian says.

"I want to come too!" I add.

"You both are going to give these fans a heart attack. Jessica laughs.

"Nothing a little vampire blood won't fix." Ian jokes and we all laugh.

Harlow starts crying a little.

"Someone's getting hungry. We better get going." I say to everyone.

"Alright we will see you here in the morning!" Ian and I wave good bye and head back to the car.

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