Chapter 6

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 It had been two weeks since eavesdropping on Angel and Husk and there had been what felt like brinks laying on top of your chest. The more you thought about it the more shame you had felt. At the moment you had found yourself on the couch in the lounge with the mirror and a bottle of scotch. That night was eye opening to say the least and you weren't quite sure what to do at the moment. You just got done taking a sip when Charlie had sat on the other end of the couch out by your feet. "Hey y/n?" Charlie had nervously asked. You raise your eyebrows humming in response. "Can I ask you a personal question? You don't have to answer if you don't want to. I'm just curious of course if it's out of line I'm sorry and-" She started to ramble but you had cut her off.

"It's fine Charlie, just ask your question." You looked at her and huffed as she sucked in a breath before continuing.

"Why is it that you carry around that rusted mirror with you? I've noticed it quite a few times but I never wanted to bring it up." Charlie motions to the rusted mirror in your hand. The question had you pause for a minute thinking of a way to respond. Seeing you hesitate however already had Charlie worked up. "Again i'll completely understand if you don't-" Cutting her off once more you responded.

"I'm not entirely sure myself. I found it on the ground the day before I got here." You sit up opening it up to see the initials along the inside. "It's just sad to me in a way you know?" You look over to Charlie to see in fact she didn't know. Sighing you look back to the mirror just to see your cracked reflection looking back. "I guess it's because this piece of metal used to mean something to someone. At least at some point in time and now that it was broken it was discarded and forgotten. It just reminds me of myself in a way." You turn to give Charlie a small sad smile and you could see the sadness in her eyes.

"Well some good came out of it. You had found it, giving it some kind of purpose again." Charlie had spoken resting a hand on your shoulder. "Hopefully the hotel gives you that purpose as well." Charlie gave your shoulder a comforting squeeze before dropping it to get up.

"Hey Charlie?" You asked somewhat timidly. She turns around with a soft hum in response. "Do you really believe that anyone is able to be forgiven?" Charlie smiles.

"I believe that as long as someone works towards being a better person, anyone can be forgiven." You swallow a lump in your throat as you continue.

"Even if it's something awful? Something that might hurt those around you? Something you deeply regret?" You could feel a wave of guilt and anxiety as you waited for Charlie to answer.

"If you regret something no matter how awful it might be, it just proves that you're trying to change for the better. And if you hurt someone in the process just remember that it starts with sorry. That's your foot in the door, one simple sorry." Charlie smiles at you as you then stood up and hugged Charlie with a few tears in your eyes.

"Thank you" She hugged you back giving you a tight squeeze once you had let go you now realized it was her turn to cry. You chuckled before handing her over to Vaggie grabbing the bottle of scotch.

"Umm what the fuck just happened?" You heard Angel chip in as Husk chuckled in response. You dropped off the bottle of scotch at Husk's bar before heading your way out the hotel door. There had been a few stops you had to make.

It had now been a few hours since you had left the hotel. The sun was beginning to set and the air had started to become chilly but you had one more stop to make. Hopefully opening your last pit for the night. You walked through appearing in front of an old familiar store front which had now been transformed into a small cute boutique. You couldn't believe that it had only been about a month since you had last been here. As you walked in you heard a soft chime of a bell. The store was bright and smelled of fresh picked flowers. It was hard to picture this cute shop in hell but here it was. Once the girl behind the counter turned around to greet you she froze in place. There stood the scared little girl who you saved from the old abusive shop owner. It was quite impressive how fast she was able to turn the store around and make it her own. You gave her a smile and waved at her from the doorway. You tried to slowly make your way to her but she started to back up away from you. Sighing, you look towards the floor "Look you have no reason to trust me I understand that. I'm here to apologize." The girl looked spectacle her brows furrowed and her hand pulled back looking as though she was ready to run if need be. "I'm here to tell you I'm sorry and that I do longer own your soul." Placing your hands in your pocket you turned to leave.

"How do I know you're not lying?!" The girl called out. Without saying so much as a word the contract that she had signed had appeared and a blue flame had appeared enveloping the signed piece of paper leaving nothing behind besides a few ashes. The girl looked stunned watching the contract burn. She looked back at her hand realizing that the black pentagram with a pair of outstretched wings had disappeared. She was free, but she asked another question "Why? Why would you do that?" You turned your head towards her and smiled a soft true smile.

"I made a few friends. And they have made me see things from a different perspective." And much like the last time she saw you the second you were done you were gone. A while later you were face first in your bed at the hotel. All this warping made you tired, maybe letting go of all your souls put a greater toll on you than you had realized. As you laid there in bed you had felt something painful push into you from the inside of your pocket and for what felt like the hundredth time you pulled out that old stupid mirror and looked at it with a smile. Sitting up you set the mirror into a drawer, in the drawer however laid a brand new deck of cards which sparked an idea in your head. Stuffing the cards into your then empty pocket you head down stairs to see Angel and Husk drinking away. "Who's down for a few games of poker?" You smirked, pulling out the deck of cards to show the boy's. Both of them looked at each other before smiling themselves. A few rounds have gone by and the three of you had lost count who had been winning at some point Sir Penches, Charlie, Vaggie and even Nifty had joined in. It was the most fun filled night the group had had since you've arrived. If only time could freeze in this moment allowing you all to stay blissfully unaware of the outside world. Sadly the night had to come to an end at some point.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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