Chapter 5

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On the way there you started thinking up ways on how the hell you became so soft. If someone a month ago had told you that you were doing someone else a favor you would have laughed in their face. As if the y/n would ever do such a thing it was pitiful. At the end of your walk you had noticed that both Angel and Husk had been inside a bar called 'The Black Dot'. You didn't think it was necessary to go inside as it would only blow your cover and as well as Husk's if Angel didn't already see him. Plus you already had an unopened bottle and quite frankly didn't feel like socializing. You decided you would wait across the street until the two had walked out of the bar. Surprisingly it was only a few minutes before you see Husk shoving Angel out of the bar. 'What part of don't force him did he not understand?' You scoff at the furry demon.

"What the actual fuck are you doing here? Let go of me!" Angel tries to pull out of Husk's grip as they walk.

"No, I'm taking you back to the hotel." Husk huffs securing his grip on Angel.

"Get off!" Angel yelled, getting a little attention from the people around him before breaking free out of Husks grip. Frustrated Husk yells back.

"That fucker put something in your drink!" Husk pointed at the bar they just left from. 'So that's what happened' you think to yourself as you continue to eavesdrop onto their conversation.

"You don't think I can tell if someone spikes my drink? I do this shit all the fucking time!" Angel yells, throwing his arms open.

"You just let people drug you all the time?!" Husk asks, bewildered at the revelation he just uncovered.

"You think I asked for it? I don't ask for any of this shit! I didn't ask to be this way. I didn't ask for Charlie to save me. I didn't ask for you to save me. I can handle myself!" Angel yelled trying to get Husk to leave him alone.

"Really? Because I just saw someone self-destructing. It seems like I don't know you might need a bartender to talk to." Husk motions to himself as Angel starts to laugh. You scoff at that as well you had to admit that was a bit cheesy from Husker's end.

"Haho so now you're gonna act like you give a shit about me? You think after how you treated me I'm gonna open up to you? Please" Angel turns to walk away from the conversation.

"Maybe I'd treat cha better if you were real and not some bull shit version of yourself always pushing my boundaries. Let me tell you nobody in that hotel cares who you are. How famous, how hot so you might as well just cut the act." Husk dead planes stopping Angel in his tracks.

"It's not an act! It's who I need to be and this" Angel refers to the area around him "this is my escape where I can forget about it all how much I hate...everything. A place where I can get high and not have to think about how much it hurts. And maybe if I can ruin myself in the process If I end up broken. I won't be his favorite toy anymore and maybe he'll let me go." Angel started to pull on his hair as a few tears slip by before lowering himself to the floor sitting on the curb. Husk had followed in pursuit sitting next to the upset spider. You on the other hand had lowered the bottle from your lips and started to really think about Angel's confession. Had this really been what he was feeling? Your heart felt heavy in your chest as you started to think about your own souls.

"I was an overlord once you know." Husk had confessed, resulting in Angel lifting his head to look at him. "Yeah and uh it was nice to have that power but when you're dealing in souls whale also being a gambler the stakes are pretty high and losing a few hands can be a little more than a little dangerous so when you're down on your luck you turn to anything to keep you afloat. Even making deals yourself so I know what it's like to regret the choices made and knowing you can't take it back." Husk had explained. Thinking about it, it made sense you could vaguely remember hearing about an old demon lord that would have fit Husk's description however you just couldn't see the man as a demon lord. You bit your cheek before creating a shadow pit for yourself and making your way to the hotel. You had a lot you wanted to think about besides all you were told to do was to make sure Husk had done what he was supposed to and it's pretty safe to say he was following through. Once you had gotten back to the hotel you were met with a somewhat pissed Vaggie.

"What the hell are you doing back here? You said you would follow after Husk?" Vaggie said after excusing herself from Charlie to meet up with you at the hotel entrance. Rolling your eyes you don't even turn to acknowledge her.

"Leave it Vaggie you said to make sure Husk did as he was told and I did. What more do you want from me?" You finish off the bottle in your hand and start your way to your room throwing out the bottle on the way. Should have just teleported there instead of dealing with Vaggie's bullshit. She was going to continue her rant when Charlie had walked up next to her.

"Hey, It's ok, I'm sure it'll all turn out fine. Just let y/n get some sleep." You heard Charlie reason with Vaggie as you climbed the stairs not even caring about the two's conversation any longer. Once in your room you lay in bed pulling out the pocket mirror out of your pocket and opening it staring at the broken glass that lay inside.

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