"Hey, we shouldn't—Anne!" I hiss as she runs across the tracks, she successfully climbs into the cart. She checks to see if the coast is clear before beckoning us over.

"Now, Ruby." Diana whispers before running over to Anne.

"No. No... No!" Ruby cries as Diana drags her towards the train.

"Alright." Anne sighs after she has pulled the girls in. "Come on, come on."

"Go on." Cole nudges me. I look one more time before hobbling over to the cart. I beckon over Moody so he can give me a boost. He runs over, tripping over the tracks in the process.

"Come on! Hurry!" I scold. He runs over and helps me up. I wince at the faint pain in my ankle but we all make it on safely.


Anne grunts as she slides the door open, revealing a smirking Gilbert Blythe. I gulp and hide behind Cole.

"What are you doing here?" Anne asks.

"I figure I should ask you the same question." He gives her a cocky look. "But first let's get you guys out of there." He helps each one of them down and sighs when he sees me. "Ada Faye." I hang my legs over the edge and he grabs ahold of my waist. "I should've known that you wouldn't stay put for too long."

"You left me—" I cross my arms as I glare at him. "to go do God knows what."

"Oh I'm sorry." He puckers his bottom lip out. "I decided to make things right with Bash and split the farm deed out of the kindness of my heart." My mouth falls open as I grab the paperwork from his hand to read over. "I am just awful aren't I?"

"I am proud of you for ending your selfish behavior but I am upset that you left me alone with the cows." I scold as I hand them back to him. "Then I got roped up into all of this mess."

"I can't believe you hopped a freight." He wraps an arm around my waist, supporting me as I hobble around.

"Me neither. But it was for the sake of Miss Stacy." He gives me a questioning look. I lead him to Anne and let her explain the plan to him.

"Well good luck to you all." Gilbert smiles at the group. "Do you mind if Ada comes with me? I have to ensure that this ankle gets taken care of by a professional."

"Of course." Anne nods. "See you on the other side of the war."

"See you at the afternoon train." I call. "Say hello to Aunt Jo for me!" I wave them all off and Gilbert and I make our way into town. He runs me by Dr. Ward's and lets him know about my ankle and my cycle returning. Ward applauded Gilbert for how well he fixed up my ankle.

After we are done there we head to the Bog and straight to Mary's house. I can't think of anywhere else Bash would be.

"Gilbert. Ada." Mary looks distraught when she answers the door.

"Hello Mary." I smile brightly.

"Have you seen Bash?" She asks.

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