Max (3° Main Oc)🦁🏀🍔

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Guys, one more time i'm asking you to see this book, is very important for me and to help you understand their personalities for others stories, thanks<3<3

Guys, one more time i'm asking you to see this book, is very important for me and to help you understand their personalities for others stories, thanks<3<3

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

Name: Max.

Full name/real name: Alexander Maximal Lion.

•The National basketball champion;
•The number 1° Player;
•Prince of the Wild;
•Snack lover;
•Spirit of happiness;
•Lion Prince;

Maxy (Natalie and Zoe)
Champion (Jason and Alan)
Hipper boy (Zach and Rachel)
Alexis (Kadashi)
Sweetheart (Samantha)
Leader (Members of lion clan)

Specie: Pure blood werelion.

Gender: Male (He/him).

Sexuality: Bisexual.

Occupation(s): Basketball player, Sportiest, Joker.

Home: Penthouse, England.

Affiliations: Lion family, the harmony kids

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

Affiliations: Lion family, the harmony kids.

Likes: Food, Sports, Sing, Hang out with his besties, Basketball, Gymnastic, Hunting with his clan, Play with his older brother, Tell jokes, Make people laugh, Children, Working out, Dance, See the bright side, Optimism, Surfing, Play silly, Soda, Healthy drinks, Cubs, animals, fight villains.

Dislikes: Offensive jokes, People with bad sense of humor, Pervert girls/guys, Invasion of personal space, Lies, Abusive mates, Bad losers, Tantrums, Dramatic people, Insulting his mother, Criminals, injustice, Pessimist.

Personality: Funny, Happy-go-lucky, Carefree, Optimistic, Determined, Trustworthy, Super kind, Jokey, Brave, Loyal, Generous, Fierce, Overprotective, Sunny.

•Playing basketball
•Eating fast food
•Working out
•Hang out with Natalie and Zoe
•Training his lion abilities
•Bodyguarding Natalie along with Zoe
•Rehearsing they band

Abilities: Immense wealthy, Sports Master, Athletism, Roar, Feline physiology, Lion transformation, Earthquake, Immense strength, Enhanced bite, Pyrokinesis, Fire breath, Taming roar, Alpha command, Happiness emboindment, Singing mastery, Spell casting, Super speed, Fire wings, Size manipulation, Teleport, Playing battery, Optimistic aura, Enhanced vision, Hand-to-Hand combat, Flexibility, Spear proficiency.

Family: Jason Maximal Lion(Father), Alan Maximal Lion(Older brother), Samantha Maximal Lion(Mother†) Unnamed cousins.

Friends/Allies: Zoe(BFF), Natalie(Second BFF), Zach, Rachel, Members of Lion clan, lots of characters of the fandom.

Enemies: Shadow wolfs, Queen Sapphire, Vanity, Kadashi, All the villains of the fandom.

Favorite food/snack: Double burger, Pepperoni pizza, French fries, Bubble gum, Chocolate cake, Jawcracker, Spaghetti, Cotton candy.

Favorite drink: Detox juice, Cocktail, Orange soda, Lemonade, Milkshake, Expresso coffee.

His theme song:

"And remember: Life is never complete without a smile!"

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