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oh wow I just got murdered by a teenager! How FANTASTIC.

𝙋𝙍𝙊𝙇𝙊𝙂𝙐𝙀:oh wow I just got murdered by a teenager! How FANTASTIC

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"T-thank you so much doc! You.. saved my son from death.. thank y-" A woman sobbed in front of me as she shaked my hand, whilst speaking lots of thank you as if its a chant.

It was a normal sight.. for me that is.

"It's alright ma'am, i advice you to go to your son's room. The car accident must've taken a toll on his mental health, worst case is that it might've possibly even created a trauma." I spoke to her with a calm facade, as I comforted her by patting her back while giving her a quick hug of assurance .

Inside, I was nervous.. The patient almost lost his life, if he did, this scene infront if me would be drastically changed..

"He needs all the support he can get from anyone around him." I continued as set aside those thoughts .

"Thank you so much once again, doc yuen.. thank you.." The woman infront of me cried tears of happiness as she bowed her head, whispering the last part as she left.

I could never got used to being called doc.. it always surprises me that i actually managed to become one.

Sure there were pros and cons of becoming one.. it can't be helped.

I sighed deeply as i walked to my office to try and relax, it has been absolute hell this week.

I mean.. just two days ago, i lost a patient..

I had to take the relative's and friend's disbelief, disappointment, and anger.

It was.. tragic to say the least. I could still hear them wailing in sadness while some shouted in anger as they lashed out on me and other nurses, one sentence specifically was stuck in my head till now.

"How can you even call yourself a doctor when you can't even save my m-mother..?"

It was spoken by the patient's child, he was crying hysterically as glared at me with pure hatred. It was obvious that he directed that very sentence to me .

𝗨𝗡𝗟𝗨𝗖𝗞𝗬-𝗧𝗘𝗟𝗘𝗣𝗔𝗧𝗛 [𝘝𝘈𝘙𝘐𝘖𝘜𝘚! ᴾᵀᴶ ᵁᴺᴵⱽᴱᴿˢᴱ]Where stories live. Discover now