Xing Jiahui was speechless: "Okay! Eat yours!" 

Xu Ziping immediately sat down, picked up a piece of meat with chopsticks and put it into his mouth unnaturally, obviously his face was full of expressions that he still wanted to speak, but he couldn't say a word.

Shang Rong looked at Xu Ziping's appearance, realized something, and looked at Xing Jiahui in surprise.

Xing Jiahui smiled gently at her:

"I used a little ability, don't worry, he's fine."

Shang Rong was shocked:

"This ...... Is this what I can hear?"

Xing Jiahui nodded:

"You have already joined the company, and you are one of us." I just didn't introduce my colleagues to you before, but now there are all people, let me tell you.

She smiled and pointed to herself first: "I, Xing Jiahui, a member of the logistics team of the Investigation Department, is a B-level control class, and my ability: mind control."

Beside her, Xu Ziping, who had just swallowed a big bite of food, couldn't wait to point at herself, his eyes were full of light:

"I! Xu Ziping, an important member of the second group of the frontline group, is an A-level attacker, and his ability is super cool air and cannon!"

Next to him, the cool handsome sister wearing a red shirt and black trousers stood up, stretched out her hand to Shang Rong to shake hands, and said solemnly:

"I am Lu Yurou of the second group, attacking S-level, ability, body metalization.
Before she sat down, she nodded, "

Pink...... Perfect for you.

Lu Yurou immediately sat down and took a big sip of her drink, as if holding back this sentence had embarrassed her to the point of picking her toes. Shang Rong smiled and thanked him.

Turning around, Ming Luo waved happily:

"Hey~ We don't need to introduce it, right?I'm a control D-level, and my ability is a Gu worm, hehehe, don't laugh at me in general!"

Shang Rong hurriedly shook his head, Gu worm!

In the past, it was Fu Yingxiu, the corners of her eyes were full of crow's feet when she smiled, but there was a unique and chic meaning:

"I am Fu Yingxiu, the director of the investigation department, special class A-level, ability...... Foresee.

Shang Rong's eyes narrowed.

Without waiting for her to respond, Fu Yingxiu then smiled:

"So, as soon as I saw you, I knew that you must be one of our department, and you can't escape!"

Shang Rong was really shocked, she didn't expect that there were people in the department who had the ability to predict, so she ...... How much does the other party know?

Thank you, I heard a magnetic and calm voice from the side:

"I am Lin Gaoyi, the leader of the second group, attack, support, control class three S-level, ability, water."

As he said this, he smiled slightly at Shang Rong's gaze.

Shang Rong was shocked:

"Three series of water?"

Lin Gaoyi nodded:

"Human beings' current abilities can be roughly divided into three categories: attack, support, and control, and there are also special classes that cannot be classified. Everyone's abilities are different, and my abilities are related to water, which is derived from water and has countless variations, so I call it water for short.

As he spoke, he stretched out his finger and pointed to the table, and the water in the teacup suddenly flew into the air, condensed into a ball of water, and turned into a small, transparent little person with limbs and a head, and danced a dance for Shang Rong with his arms and kicks, and finally put his backhand in front of him to make a curtain call, and then turned into water droplets, all of which fell into the teacup without spilling out at all.

Shang Rong's eyes lit up, and he watched the water man dance intently, and blurted out:

"It's fun!"

And I didn't expect that Lin Gaoyi, who usually looks serious, would make such a ...... So, it's fun.

Shang Rong turned his head to look at Lin Gaoyi and said seriously:

"Thank you for showing me this, it's really powerful and fun."

Lin Gaoyi suddenly turned his head and said a low "um", and then ...... Shang Rong watched him start from his neck and go all the way to the root of his ears, and his whole ear was as red as if it were burning.

Shang Rong couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, isn't it the team leader, is it so unpraised?

After everyone introduced themselves, Mingluo asked Shang Rong lively:

"Ah Rong, what is your ability?"

Shang Rong was stunned, she didn't know herself.

Next to Xing Jiahui answered:

"She doesn't have any special abilities, she is a complete ordinary person.
whole table stopped their chopsticks and looked over, obviously stunned for a long time, before someone looked at Fu Yingxiu inquiringly.

Fu Yingxiu replied simply:

"Yes." I recruited her. "

I didn't explain why the special trick was, everyone was stunned for a while and then stopped exploring, and then eaten, and greeted Shang Rong with a warm greeting, and his attitude was no different from before.

Shang Rong could see that this matter was extraordinary, and she couldn't figure it out herself, it seemed that all the people who could enter the place were superpowers, so why was she specially recruited......?

How much does
Fu know Shang Rong gave up after thinking about it, the food is really delicious, and the atmosphere is really warm, she tentatively asked why the dinner party, everyone didn't hide it, and talked about the evil god in the afternoon.

The most leaked is the curly Xu Ziping, revealing all the people in black.

"I think that man in black is a human-friendly weirdness! It proves that weirdness is also good, and it doesn't have to be killed with a stick! The weirdness that harms people can be killed, and if it doesn't hurt people, it can even save people, shouldn't we think about it, find a way to contain it or make it into a prop?"

Shang Rong didn't dare to answer, and nervously watched the reactions of the people around him, but everyone's faces were normal and they couldn't see anything.

Lu Yurou said stiffly:

"It can't be weird, if it is weird that you can casually get out of the evil god realm, it is an evil god, maybe it is the ontological form of an evil god." Xing


"It's still different from the evil god, at least we don't feel so heavily polluted just by looking at the man in black, and the black fog around TA will drop a lot of san value." Oh yes, Shang Rong, do you know what the SAN value is? It's the sanity value, it will be affected when you encounter weirdness, you have to be careful, I'll get you a watch tomorrow when I go to the unit. Shang


"Thank you, Sister Jia...... Although I didn't go in the afternoon, but listening to you, I think the man in black may not be so dangerous, she seems to have saved people?"

Xing Jiahui and Xu Ziping both nodded, but Lu Yurou frowned:

" That's not necessarily to save people, each weird needs something different, maybe they have already absorbed what they want and thrown their bodies out.

Lin Gaoyi's warm and pleasant voice sounded:

"Yes, maybe it is a prelude to some kind of conspiracy, and it cannot be taken lightly, I don't believe in anything weird, let alone any evil god." The evil god is always the enemy of mankind, and the next time I see the man in black, I will probe his weakness and kill him.

Lin Gaoyi said, and another water ball was condensed in his hand, which was flexibly flipped around at his fingertips, diverting attention in this way. Every time he recalls Black Mist and the Man in Black, the SAN value will immediately go berserk, and he must stop remembering immediately.

Shang Rong's back was cold when he heard this, and he silently stayed away from him. This guy looks like a very good person, how can he open his mouth to fight and kill.

Time passed quickly, Fu Yingxiu paid the bill early and left, the carnival without leaders was the real carnival, and everyone had more fun.

When the hour opened, Lemin Street was much less crowded, and only a few night snack shops were still open.

Countless heavy shadows lurk in the darkness, and they squirm to make sounds that humans cannot hear, and communicate information.

Is that there? There, the smell is sweet, and there is a lot of fresh food......

And what the Lord said, that's it, those people, we're going to have a full meal...... Hey, hey, hahaha......

The task that the Lord gave us must be completed...... Heheha...... Come, come......

It's a supernatural ...... Delicious, Adept...... Ahh......hhh Want to eat, want to eat!Eat them, eat them!Eat their blood and flesh, bones and hair, nails and skin, eat, eat!ahahahahahaha

Shang Rong: I don't have any powers, but my children are the heads of powers.

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