chapter twenty: home invasion

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"Welcome to Crackhead Wasteland," Sarah announced as the Twinkie pulled into a certain driveway.

JJ had stolen the man with the rifle's ID for the purpose of getting his address. His name was Barry.

"Dude, why are we at Barry's?" Pope asked JJ.

None of the Pogues were sure what was happening. JJ had yet to explain it to them.

"Yo soy justicia," JJ explained shortly.


"This'll only take a second," JJ said as he exited the van and made his way inside the trailer house.

"Did anyone glean anything from that?" Pope asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I am justice..?" Brooklynn translated.

"That doesn't make any sense," Pope deadpanned.

"I know," Brooklyn shrugged.

"You know somebody should probably- " Kiara started.

"Yeah, yeah. I got it," John B nodded, going after JJ.

After a moment Sarah spoke up, "Is this a daily occurrence?"

"Sort of," Brooklynn cringed.

"It's a JJ thing," Kiara stated.

Sarah nodded in understanding and exited the crowded van to stand outside in the fresh air. The rest of the Pogues followed her, starting to become annoyed in the cramped space.

JJ and John B marched out of Barry's house, JJ with a large duffel bag in his hand that he was sifting through. 

"Alright, so we're looking at around four grand each for reparations for putting us through that bullshit," JJ announced, zipping up the bag, "Sorry about that, y'all."

"So that's what we're doing now? We're robbing drug dealers?" Kiara scoffed.

"This 'Barry' guy is gonna find out," Sarah spoke.

"And he'll probably come after us," Brooklynn said, adding to Sarah's statement.

"Yes, he will. This is not the right time to start wildin' out," Pope confirmed.

"How'd you guys like having a gun pulled on you?" JJ asked, raising his voice.

"Well, obviously we didn't but- " Brooklynn started.

JJ took a step towards Brooklynn and opened his mouth as if he was about to speak but he was cut off by John B who stepped in between the two blondes.

"Relax, JJ."

"He had it right here on you, bro," JJ said, pointing his finger in John B's face.

John B swatted his hand away and said, "We've gotta go get the gold, okay? Just give me that shit. We're putting it back."

𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ~ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now