We decided quickly on the items that we wanted to make, the celebratory wine, and then we left without any problems, which had been a miracle so far. We drove home, singing along to our playlist the whole way and laughing at the memories each song brought up. Once home, we unloaded the car and brought everything inside. Everything flowed so easily, so naturally, that it was as if we'd been doing this together for a lifetime—even the way we began preparing the meal together, each working on our own contributions to it. We danced along to the music he continued to play inside while we were cooking. In our little bubble of time and space, it was the perfect dream.

Chris found my wine glasses and opened the bottle for us to make a quick toast. He poured the glasses and handed mine to me. With a cheerful clink of the rims, he smiled confidently at me. "To yesterday, now, tomorrow, and forever."

"Yesterday, now, tomorrow, and forever," I repeated after him. "To your life, to mine, and the one we're looking forward to together."

"Together." He smiled completely, then we both drank to each other.

Making dinner was completed quickly, and we set the table to eat there. Without feeling rushed and refusing to watch the clock count down closer to when he had to leave, we leisurely enjoyed sitting across from each other, talking, telling stories of childhood and lessons learned, eating, laughing, and feeling whole.

"When you're away like this, do you miss it or feel like you're supposed to be working and not wasting time?" I asked, taking another sip from my wine glass. "Is it difficult?"

He was thinking and chewing at the same time. Once ready, he answered. "Yes, but that's a tension I've had to learn to live with. It's not going away and it's not something that is wrong that needs to be corrected. It's just a part of this job. So, it takes a while for me to shift gears mentally and honestly relax if I'm away for any length of time." He nodded, letting his thoughts carry him away for a second before continuing. "But, it's much easier to disengage from that part of myself when I'm with you because you're not asking me to choose between you and my career. You've accepted it as a major part of my life, and that makes me more comfortable with making sure to include you in my life as well. You're not a replacement for anything. You're a wanted addition."

I set my glass down and propped my cheek on my palm, staring appreciatively into his eyes. I couldn't help but draw my bottom lip in between my teeth and let it drag slowly back out. I liked how it felt when I saw his gaze drop down to my mouth. It also gave me the cover I wanted to be able to sneak my foot underneath the table over to his side and run it up the interior of his pant leg and travel several inches up the inside of his thigh. I smirked when his eyes tightened minutely and a small smile played at the corner of his lips.

"I will do my best to continue to make it easy for you. And... where you are is where my heart is, which is where I will always want to be until the next time I can physically be there." I rubbed my foot against his thigh and stretched that last bit to graze his bulge before retreating again up his thigh.

He closed his eyes and drew in a slow, measured breath before standing up and walking over to my side of the table. He bent over, cradling the back of my neck, and kissed me slowly at first. His tongue crossed the threshold of my lips and played with mine, the taste of wine and dinner and him igniting my senses. His hands roamed down my sides until he encouraged me to stand up. Once up, he moved the chairs out of the way and wrapped himself around me again, picking up where he'd left off. I could feel him inching us backward until my legs touched the table. His fingers grasped my hips.

"What are you doing?" I asked when he moved his kisses to my jawline and down my neck.

"Having dessert." He chuckled against my skin.

"Not on my weak, antique table, you're not." I laughed into the room.

He paused to laugh with me then made me let out a noise of surprise when he picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist, and walked us over to the extended kitchen counter, setting me down on top the cool granite and leaning into the embrace. He kissed me more then pulled away to asked the question, "If I can't take you on the table, where should I have you?"

I looked over his shoulder and out the windows of my kitchen. With a giggle and a sudden blush, I mumbled, "I hate to be difficult, but not where my neighbors can see either."

His eyes widened in surprise as he looked over his shoulder behind him to see my elderly neighbor walking their dog up the driveway to their house. Chris burst into embarrassed laughter and hid his face in the crook of my neck. He pulled me to the edge of the counter, even closer to him, and I could feel him straining against his pants. I slid my hand down between us, cupping his bulge in my hand and running my fingers along the underside of it, much to his groaning. He pressed himself against my hand in a plea. I lifted his chin up to look me in the eyes with my other hand.

"But, I'm not about to deny you dessert."

You're All I Want [Bang Chan + FemReader]Where stories live. Discover now