Ch. 4: Silent Suffering

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'And she hasn't told us about it? It might've gotten infected or untreatable but maybe not if it we rush. I'm sure Niffty can stitch it up.' Vaggie thought, sitting down and placing Emily's head on her lap.

"S-Sera...why?" Emily mumbled, softly crying from the emotional pain more than the physical pain.

"Shhhh." Vaggie said, rubbing Emily's head, "It will be okay."

"But I messed everything up!" Emily said, crying all over again.

"No you didn't, they did." Vaggie said, "They only care about killing sinners, they don't truly care about being kind like you. You're going to be fine and if you aren't, we'll be here for you."

"Bu-But..." Emily muttered before Vaggie leaned her had down and pressed their foreheads together.

"I promise, on my very soul, you will be fine and protected. By me and everyone else in the hotel." Vaggie said, smiling a bit.

Suddenly, a wave of calm washed over Emily as she calmed down in her painful state. A familiar warmth from an entirely new person, a warmth she hadn't felt unless it was from her big sister.

And that mere thought just made her angry. It wasn't long before Charlie returned, with Alastor.

"Oh my." Alastor said, covering his eyes, "Had I known that she was indecent I would've waited."

He may have been a cannibalistic, pure evil, serial killer... but he was also a gentleman, and seeing a woman without clothing on is not a kind thing to do.

"Al, can you help her?" Charlie asked, putting herself in front of Emily so Alastor could look without having to see her naked.

"I suppose I could." Alastor said, "I do know my way around a body after all, stitching one up shouldn't be too difficult. Though, I would need a couple of things. I need you to bring her to a bed or table, something elevated and flat would be preferable, I need a first aid kit, and I need you both to leave so I can work in piece."

"How do we know you won't hurt her worse?" Vaggie asked, not trusting Alastor.

"For the same reason I can't harm you, my dear." Alastor said, "I'm powerful, but I am unable to hurt an angel. Now, I believe it would be better for everyone if you could find something to put her under for a bit."

"N-N-no." Emily said, opening her eyes and looking at them.

She may be a fallen one, but she still believed in staying away from that kind of stuff, even if it was something that would ease her pain.

"Emily, please. This is the only way to help you heal." Charlie said, turning to Emily.

"No... I... can handle it." Emily said, "Angels... don't use drugs or alcohol."

Charlie let out a sigh, she admired that Emily wants to try and keep her angelic nature... but she also hated that Emily was being stubborn about this. It was a serious injury, Charlie could literally see Emily's heart... it was big.

"There... is another way to put her under without drugs." Vaggie said, "But... I don't like it."

"What?" Charlie asked.

"I am interested as well, Vagetha. Do tell." Alastor said while leaning in.

"With... with, uh... enough force... you can knock someone out." Vaggie said.

"So you're saying we pull a cartoon move and hit her with a frying pan!?" Charlie yelled.

"Do you have any other ideas!?" Vaggie yelled back.

Emily looked between them and thought one thing.

'These two need couples therapy.' She thought.

"AHAHAHAHAHA! I remember that bit, always loved it when I was a child. Especially the sound!" Alastor said with a grin.

"We are NOT knocking Emily out with a frying pan!" Charlie said.

"Then how about a rolling pin?" Alastor joked.

"Anything could do actually." Vaggie adds, still holding Emily gently.

"What's with all the noise?" Angel Dust asked, walking into the room, "Some of us are trying to sleep."

"Not now Angel, we are having an issue." Vaggie said, "So unless you know how to knock someone out-"

"How about-"

"Without copious amounts of cocaine!" Vaggie said, "Then you can head back to your room."

Angel just walked over, pinched Emily on the jaw, and she was out cold.

"You're welcome." Angel said.

"Wha... how did you do that!?" Vaggie asked.

"You think I don't know how to use nerves to knock someone out? That's how I've gotten out of a few hairy situations when I was alive." Angel said, "You're welcome."

The trio just watched Angel Dust leave the room in shock, never in a million years expecting the drug addict porn star to know something like that.

"...I think I shall get new locks for my room." Alastor comments before looking back to Emily. "Now, I believe we have a patient to attend too."

Vaggie and Charlie helped put her on a bed, and afterwards, Charlie went to get the first aid kit... why they have those in hell of all places, she will never know.

"I'll need to sterilize myself!" Alastor said before snapping his fingers and dressing like a surgeon but in black. "I am ready to operate!"

"Just... make sure she doesn't bleed out." Vaggie said, "Trust me, angel blood is a LOT more difficult to get out of sheets than sinner blood."

"Don't worry, I shall be extra careful." Alastor said, "Now, please leave."

Vaggie glanced at Emily in worry before slowly leaving, moving aside as Charlie came back with the first aid kit.

"Thank you, Charlotte, you may want to leave... this part will be a bit disturbing." Alastor said.

Hazbin Hotel: Emily's FallOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant