Chapter 2

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: A Surprising Encounter

The next day, Ali and Rudy were on a mission in the city. They were tasked with investigating a series of mysterious power outages that have been occurring in different parts of the city. As they made their way through the busy streets, Rudy couldn't help but notice that Ali seemed a bit distracted.

'Hey, Ali, is something bothering you?' Rudy asked, breaking the silence between them.

Ali looked at him and sighed. 'It's just that...I can't stop thinking about that encounter with Boboiboy yesterday. It's like he's always on my mind.'

Rudy chuckled. 'Looks like someone has a crush,' he teased.

Ali blushed and playfully punched Rudy's arm. 'Shut up, it's not like that. It's just...he seems like a really interesting person and I can't help but be curious about him.'

Rudy grinned. 'Well, I'm sure you'll have plenty of opportunities to get to know him better. After all, we are working together now.'

Ali smiled, feeling a bit better. 'You're right. I should focus on our mission.'

As they continued on their mission, they came across a group of people gathered in a park. They seemed to be watching something, so Ali and Rudy decided to check it out. To their surprise, it was none other than Boboiboy and his friends, performing some impressive stunts with their elemental powers.

Ali and Rudy watched in awe as Boboiboy flew through the air with his lightning powers, while Fang manipulated the wind to create a whirlwind around him. Gopal and Yaya were showcasing their powers as well, with Gopal creating various food items out of thin air and Yaya using her earth powers to create a beautiful garden.

Ali couldn't take his eyes off of Boboiboy, who seemed to be enjoying himself as he playfully chased after his friends. He couldn't deny that he was drawn to the boy's carefree and adventurous spirit.

As the performance came to an end, Boboiboy noticed Ali and Rudy watching from a distance. He walked over to them with a grin.

'Hey, what brings you guys here?' he asked.

'We were just passing by and saw the commotion. You guys were amazing!' Rudy exclaimed.

Boboiboy laughed. 'Thanks, it's just something we like to do for fun. It's also a good way for us to practice and improve our powers.'

Ali couldn't help but admire Boboiboy's dedication and passion for his powers. 'You guys make a great team,' he said sincerely.

Boboiboy smiled. 'Thanks, but we're always looking for new members to join us. Maybe you guys would like to join our team?'

Ali and Rudy exchanged surprised looks. They never expected an invitation from Boboiboy and his friends so soon.

'We would love to!' Rudy said excitedly.

Ali hesitated for a moment, unsure if he should accept. But then he remembered Rudy's words from earlier and the idea of getting to know Boboiboy better seemed too tempting to pass up.

'Count me in too,' he said with a smile.

Boboiboy grinned. 'Great! We'll have an official training session tomorrow then. See you guys there!'

As Boboiboy and his friends left, Ali couldn't believe what had just happened. He never thought he would become friends with Boboiboy so quickly, let alone be invited to join his team.

Rudy nudged him with a smirk. 'Looks like someone's not so distracted anymore.'

Ali laughed, feeling grateful for Rudy's teasing and for this unexpected encounter with Boboiboy. Maybe this alliance was not just about working together to fight against a common enemy, but also about forming new friendships and bonds that would last a lifetime.

To be continued.......

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