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Chapter 371 Just come back.

"Goudan! Goudan, here I come!" Before anyone entered the Xia family's yard, Daniel's voice spread to every corner of the Xia family. Goudan, who was packing his luggage in the room, heard this familiar voice. His eyes lit up instantly and he hurried out of the room:

"Daniu! I miss you so much."

As soon as he ran into the yard, he was hugged by Daniel. Daniel said in a very excited tone: "Goudan, you are finally back. I thought you would never come back."

During the Chinese New Year, Daniel had been waiting for Goudan to come back. As a result, he waited from winter vacation until New Year's Eve before he was sure that Goudan really hadn't come back.

The two of them had been playing together as long as they could remember. Thinking of never being able to see Goudan again, Daniel felt an indescribable sadness.

Goudan explained: "The train ticket alone costs a lot of money to come back, so we didn't come back during the Chinese New Year. However, Shihe Brigade will always be my hometown, and I will definitely come back."

"So that's it." Daniel nodded as if he understood. He had indeed heard adults say that train tickets were expensive.

"How long can you stay when you come back this time? Tell me how you are doing in Beijing. Are the students in the city easy to get along with? Is anyone bullying you? It's a pity that we are so far away. Even if someone bullies you, I won't I can't help you beat him up together." After finishing speaking, Daniel sighed in disappointment.

Goudan didn't think Daniel was verbose at all, and answered his question patiently: "I can stay at least half a month. My mother said we'll see what happens then. My classmates in the city are fine, and no one bullies me. ".

Goudan did not tell Daniel about Tian Hongjun, because he was worried that Daniel would be jealous and think that he would not remember him if he had a new friend.

"That's good." Daniel breathed a sigh of relief quietly. In his impression, city people were very arrogant and looked down on country people. He had always been worried that Goudan would be bullied and ostracized by other students at school.

"By the way, I have brought gifts for you and Dashun. Come to the room with me." Goudan happily took Daniu to his room.

Then he pulled out several comic books from a package: "This is the gift I brought you. Each of you has one copy. I bought these with my pocket money. Daniel, you have to keep them well for later." If you miss me, take it out and take a look."

"Wow, Goudan, you are so kind. I will keep it well." Daniel looked at Goudan with a moved expression. The comic strip was not the point. The point was that Goudan missed them and never forgot to bring them gifts when he came back.

Daniel planned in his mind that he would also prepare a gift for Goudan when he went to Beijing.

Goudan pointed at the comic strips on the bed and said, "Daniu, you choose one first, and you can divide the rest among Shunzi and others when they come."

These comic strips were all ones that Daniel had never read before, and they were also the latest releases. He chose one at random, and he could still read it with Shunzi Xiaohu and the others when the time came.

Zhang Hongyan took out all the straw mats and quilts in the room to dry them, and then gave the house a general cleaning, scrubbing every corner.

At noon, we heated up the meat buns we bought at a state-owned restaurant, and the family had a makeshift meal.

There were no vegetables or seasonings at home, so it was really inconvenient to cook for a while. Zhang Hongyan planned to go to a neighbor's house in the afternoon to exchange for some, and buy the other missing items when she returns the car to the county tomorrow.

After eating, Zhang Hongyan handed the prepared items to Xia Heping: "Send these to my old house. These two packs of snacks are for the third brother's family alone. Don't get confused."

In fact, it was enough for them to give something to Mrs.

However, Zhang Hongyan thought about the easing of the relationship between her family and Xia Laosan's family, so she prepared a separate copy for Xia Laosan's family.

As for Boss Xia, forget it, she doesn't like that family very much.

Xia Heping nodded: "Okay, I'll send it to my third brother first."

Xia Hezhi had long heard that his second brother was back and planned to visit his house after work. Unexpectedly, his second brother came to his house first.

"Second brother, I haven't seen you for a year and you look a lot younger. You look like the same age as me. Sure enough, you are still raised in a big city," Xia Hezhi said in amazement.

You must know that he is 7 years younger than his second brother. Now when he goes out, people may not know who is the elder brother and who is the younger brother without knowing what he says.

Xia Heping touched his face and cursed with a smile: "It's not as exaggerated as you said. It means you don't need to bask in the sun every day. It's a bit whiter."

"Second brother, please sit down and tell me about your time in Beijing. It will also help me gain some knowledge," Xia Hezhi said with a smile.

Although he and his second brother had exchanged letters a few times this year, it was just a simple affair, and he was still very curious about Beijing.

Xia Heping waved his hand: "Why don't you sit down now? I have to go to my parents' place. Will you come with me?"

Xia Hezhi readily agreed: "Okay, I'll go to my parents' place with you."

He has now moved out of the old house and built his own house. Except for occasionally visiting his parents, he doesn't usually go to the old house.

Mrs. Xia looked at her second son who was both familiar and unfamiliar, and her cloudy eyes suddenly turned red: "Heping, you are finally back. My mother thought you would never come back again."

"Mom, look what you said, my roots are here, how could I not come back?" Xia Heping said calmly.

"It'll be good to come back, it'll be good to come back." Mrs. Xia raised her hand and wiped her eyes.

When her second son was in the village, Mrs. Xia didn't think there was anything wrong even if she didn't interact with him very much. She always knew that her son was around and she could still see him when she wanted to see him.

But since her second son's family moved to Beijing, Mrs. Xia felt unhappy, especially since her second son's family didn't even come back for the New Year. She felt a little sad for no reason.

She was afraid that she would never be able to see her second son again in her lifetime. She was getting older and older, and she might die one day.

In such thoughts, Mrs. Xia forgot about the conflict with her second son, and remembered the goodness of her son more.

Old Man Xia kept a straight face and said nothing, but he was actually quite happy in his heart. No matter how he said it, he was his biological son. How could he miss him after not seeing each other for a year.

Xia Heping was dragged into a chat by Mrs. Xia, who asked him about his life in Beijing.

Xia Heping said what he could. He didn't mention the hot sauce business. He only said that he had found a temporary job to earn some money to support his family every month.

It's not that he's too smart, it's that he understands his mother very well. Although she seems to treat him well now, when she really knows that they have made a lot of money in Beijing, there is no guarantee that she won't take money from him to support her elder brother.

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