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☆ 17. Chapter 17font record

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Chapter 17

Zhou Chuan certainly had no objection to the family separation proposed by Qin Shiyue. This was also discussed before their marriage. Moreover, the two of them live a better life. If the Zhou family treats them well, they will not hesitate to take them to make a fortune together. In fact, that is not the case. No one is stupid, and no one can always put his hot face on someone else's cold butt.

"Brother, how should we divide the family?" Zhou Chuan asked, "If we separate the families, they will definitely not agree."

Originally, the Zhou family wanted to get something from Qin Shiyue, but now not only have they not gotten anything, but they have also How could they agree to give something away?

"There's no rush. We'll figure this out slowly. There will always be a suitable opportunity," Qin Shiyue said. "We have some space. All the valuables are here. If you don't want to see them, just hide in." Qin Shiyue said. Shi Yue knew that even if the Zhou family had committed a heinous crime, their good reputation would be lost from the moment he called the officials. If they continue to argue about breaking up at this juncture, he and Zhou Chuan will really not be able to survive in Yuanbao Village.

The space was filled with small boxes made by Zhou Chuan. The two of them gathered them together again and made a space to sit down.

"There is food and drink in this space, so what are we afraid of?" Apart from not being able to cook, the rest is fine.

The two of them sat inside for a while, and Qin Shiyue looked at the shepherd's purse placed aside: "I said I was making dumplings to eat, but I haven't done it yet. If we have a cutting board and a knife, we can make them here. We will do it later. Go to town and remember something, and buy a knife and a cutting board."

"Brother, I will remember it." Zhou Chuan agreed.

Although the space was small, it was not boring. Qin Shiyue showed Zhou Chuan a little book and taught him how to read. Zhou Chuan is very smart and can remember what he has learned. I don't know how long it took, but Qin Shiyue felt a little hungry, so he took out the leftover lunch and ate it between the two of them.

After waiting for a while, he came out of the space and went to Master Sun's house.

The Zhou family didn't know that they were working at Master Sun's house every night. They couldn't catch them before, so they went home, thinking that they had to be at home at night. He went to look for them, but they didn't come back even at night.

The Zhou family stayed there all night but saw no one, and later went home.

Boss Zhou was very angry about this incident. He thought he had some "relationship" with Qin Shiyue, but Qin Shiyue was so unkind and didn't let his family go for his sake. Feeling of betrayal.

"We will never let them go in this matter!" Boss Zhou said angrily, his eyes as vicious as poisonous snakes.

"Then what should we do?" Zhou Laoer asked, "I don't know where they are now. I really want to destroy his house." "

Don't be impulsive." Zhou Laoer said hurriedly, "What did those officials say? Wait? If we dare to do that, it won't be as simple as seven days."

"I suspect he has someone in the government," Zhou Laoer said here, his eyes became vulgar and vicious, "otherwise, why would he invite the government? ? You see, the official is obviously talking to him. How does a little brother know people from the government? I think he probably slept with them. Otherwise, who would help him?"

   ✓ I sold cosmetics in ancient timesWhere stories live. Discover now