Pin gave Donut Thread, who had now calmed down.

"Can you two help me over to the car," Needle asked.

"Of course we will," Coiny replied. Pin and Coiny each grabbed onto one of Needles arms as they made their way to the car.

Once they left, Needle couldn't help but feel overcome with guilt. "I almost hurt our daughter," she whispered.

Coiny, who was driving the car, disagreed, "Accidents happen Needle. It doesn't make you any less of an amazing mom. We're all here for you, and Thread is safe with the others."

Pin, sitting in the backseat with Needle, nodded in agreement. "Exactly. This could have happened to any of us. You clearly love Thread more than anything, why else would you have rammed your foot into the stairs."

Needle managed a small smile at Pin's attempt to lighten the mood. The car journey to the emergency room was filled with a mix of concern and reassurance. Needle appreciated the comforting presence of Coiny and Pin by her side.

After they made it into the ER, they were asked to wait in the waiting room until they were called into a room.

The waiting room buzzed with the muted sounds of medical conversations and the occasional ring of a phone. Needle shifted uncomfortably in her seat, her injured ankle elevated on a nearby chair. Coiny and Pin sat on either side of her, offering silent support.

As the minutes ticked by, Needle couldn't shake the worry that crept into her thoughts. She glanced at the entrance every now and then, hoping to see a nurse or doctor emerge to call them in. The weight of uncertainty hung in the air.

Finally, a nurse appeared, calling Needle's name. Coiny and Pin helped her up, and they followed the nurse into a small examination room. The medical staff conducted a series of examinations, confirming the initial diagnosis and preparing Needle for an X-ray.

The X-ray room was cold, and Needle shivered slightly as she positioned herself for the imaging. Coiny and Pin stood by her side, their presence a reassuring anchor in the midst of medical procedures.

Once the X-rays were taken, they returned to the examination room to await the doctor's assessment. The minutes dragged on, each one stretching the tension in the room. Needle fidgeted with the hem of her shirt, anxiety building.

Finally, the door opened, and the doctor entered, holding the X-ray results. They explained that Needle's ankle indeed had a fracture, and they discussed the recommended treatment plan, which included a boot and limited weight-bearing for several weeks.

"That sucks Needle," Coiny said, as he gave Needle a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm glad we came in here when we did," Pin remarked, as she also gave Needle a kiss.

Needle smiled, glad that she had the support of her partners. The doctor continued to provide instructions on caring for the fracture, emphasizing the importance of rest and follow-up appointments.

Coiny and Pin absorbed the information, nodding and asking questions to ensure Needle's recovery would be as smooth as possible. After the doctor's thorough explanation, they left the hospital with crutches and a bulky boot encasing Needle's injured ankle.

The car ride back home was quieter than the journey to the hospital. Needle's mind buzzed with thoughts of adapting to her new temporary reality, while Coiny and Pin offered reassuring words and plans for making their home more accommodating.

Once they made it back home, the sound of Needles crutches hitting the floor echoed through the house.

"Uh oh, I know that sound," Barf Bag said, having heard the sounds of crutches on a daily basis at work.

"You were right Barfy, I fractured it," Needle said, "a Weber A fracture to be exact."

"Well, at least it wasn't a Weber B or C, those usually require much more intervention." Barf Bag remarked, "Weber A's are still quite painful though."

"I think they get it, Dr. Gutterson," Donut remarked.

Thread, who was in Saw's arms, turned her head and smiled once she saw her parents.

"Looks like someone is happy to see their moms and dad," Saw said, as she handed Thread over to Pin.

"Thanks again for taking care of her," Pin said, "it's only been a couple of months and this living situation is already paying off!"

"We were happy to take care of her," Gaty said, "she did amazing while you guys were away!"

The team gathered around Needle, offering words of comfort and assistance. Donut had set up a cozy corner on the couch for Needle to rest, complete with pillows, blankets, and a small table with essentials within reach.

As Needle settled into her makeshift recovery space, Pin gently placed Thread in Needle's arms, and the family shared a moment of warmth and connection. Thread seemed to sense her mother's discomfort, cuddling close and reaching up to touch Needle's face with her tiny hands.

"Fracturing my ankle was worth it," Needle siad, tears starting to form in her eyes, "anything to protect you my sweet angel."


And we're back! It was defiantly the right move to take a break from uploading, and now I have a much better idea of how the story is going to play out for the time being! I have a good amount of chapters written (that just need some minor editing), so excpect new chapters everey 2-3 days for at least the rest of this month! 

Also BFDIA 9 was quite fun. Needle having Coiny's voice (and watching it mess with Pin) was hilarious! 

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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