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Opening my eyes I see heels and a cream-white dress while feeling the rope keeping me tied, I whine squeezing my eyes closed, and feel my body shift I hear the woman softly say interesting before she picks me up.

I know my looks make everyone uncomfortable and scare people I keep looking down so I don't see the hateful judging look I'm used to, I look at my arm and hand seeing the royal purple scales over my arm I know if I turn my arm over I will see pale pink scales, and if I look in a mirror I will see gold slit eyes and wings just big enough to fly if I knew how to use them, finally, I will see a four-year-old girl and not a grown woman.

I whine more when this woman cradles me in her arm and brings me inside closing my eyes tight as we move I hear doors open, feel her bend down and rise then hear the doors close again I hear water running and feel my shirt pulled off.

Feeling warm water surround me and the lady washing my body and black hair, I reach up and relax feeling my hairstyle is still the same, mid and lower part of my hair shaved off to fuzz that feels nice to play with and the top part shoulder length.

The lady pulls me out and wraps me in the softest fluffest towel in the world, I open my eyes seeing golden eyes and blood-red lips with perfect white teeth smiling at me so I softly whisper hi.

The lady strokes my face "Hello little one, let's get you in some clothes".

I nod slowly confused that she's been nice and not scared of my looks or attacking me, I hear her call out to someone and see three ladies form from flies, I look at the lady seeing she looks happy to see them.

Smelling blood all over them I blush feeling my belly growl I look down when they look at me, I hear the lady ask them to bring a shirt for me they all say yes Mother, and leave.

I look down blushing more, the lady tilts my head up so I look at her "Tell me little one, how you went from a grown-up to this? I'll have a maid bring you food what would you like".

I blush and close my eyes "not sure when I get scared or not want to deal with grown-up feelings, I do lots of stuff. Can I have something like those ladies ate? It smelled like blood".

She nods and walks to the door seeing a lady in a black dress with white around her waist she tells them to bring some meat and blood then shuts the door.

She smiles as the door opens and the ladies come back with shirts, taking them she holds them each up to me before putting a black one on me "I'll need to call Donna to make clothes for you as an adult and little".

I tilt my head "I don't need clothes, I'll go back to the woods and stay away from the village".

She cups my face and tsks at me as a maid comes in with a tray "No you will stay here, I've been thinking about getting another daughter, my girls want a baby sister and you need a mother to watch you, take care of you, and to keep you safe now eat dear".

I look down trying not to cry "Never had a mama the place for kids with no mamas' they were mean and I ran away to woods" I sniffle unable to eat.

She coos at me and picks me up I see the girls looking at me and I hide my face jumping when I hear the redhead screeching "Mother she's so cute".

She rushes over looking at me while the blonde walks calmly over, the brunette stays back looking at me and I cover my face more hearing the lady tell the girls to back up and hear her say Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela.

When they leave she feeds me and then rubs my back singing softly to me as I start to fall asleep, I hear her say I'll officially meet the girls at breakfast.

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