Chapter 10 - How Do I Feel about You?

Start from the beginning

The two fist bumped each other as they arrived at their dorms. They then separated as they both went to do their own things. 

As Izuku entered his room, he flopped on the bed as he took a deep breath as his face started to slowly become red.

Izuku : Ughhhhh.

Izuku rubbed his face as he groans. He moved his to the back of his head as he pressed his hands against it.

Izuku : Why did you have to put that in my mind Kaminari?

Izuku just kept staring at the ceiling as his mind started to wander off.

"I Like you"

Those words at the end of the letter just lets his mind go into a vortex of confusing emotions that are literally plaguing his mind.

Izuku : 'Did I have Leero with Botan because I love her? Or Botan loves me that we had Leero?'

Those things are keeping his mind confused on whether or not he loves Botan or does she love him. Cause if they did have Leero, who initiated it and who loved the other. Cause does he even love Botan? I mean yes he did find her someone that interests him, he did like her, she is not a bad person, she is a chill person, albeit childish in a way, he did like her toothy grin smile, he likes her cool headedness, he likes how caring she is and- is he really falling in love now?

Izuku could blush again at that thought as his arms flail to the side as he stares at the ceiling. He really can't even decide, he only met her for a day but he is already like this. Is he this easily influenced by someone he never met in his life before?

He sat up and then proceeds to sigh.

Izuku : I think me and Kaminari might've read too much mangas for this shit. 

That alone helped processed his mind a bit as he thought about it.

He got under his covers as he stare at the ceiling as his eyes started to get heavy again. He could slowly feel himself falling deeper into his sleep.

".I like you"

Leero : Are you ok mom?

Botan looks over to the side to see her son, Leero, awake from his sleep as he gave a concerned look to his mom. She looked at him before she rubbed his hair a bit.

Botan : It's just about the note I left for you dad.

Leero : Hmm *thinking* Oh you mean how you technically wrote it like you were worried for papa.

Botan : I won't deny that *huffs a bit* I just wonder where do I place him in my heart? What do you think?

Leero : I can't exactly answer that mom.

Botan : Why can't you? *tilts her head*

Leero flinches a bit as he looks at his mom but he sighs a bit as he plays with the seat belt.

Leero : Cause I know you and papa will be great with each other. Papa is one of the most coolest person ever, he can be a bit of a mess sometimes whenever he is near women, but he cares deeply enough for others that can cause an effect on them. Even you mom, you're one of the most coolest person as well, with a personality that even I can't help but even idolize you as someone I want to be. I just feel like you two click well enough.

As soon as he said that he heard some chuckling beside him as he looks over to his mom to see her holding her mouth as she was chuckling a bit from her son's answer.

Leero : Uhh why are you laughing mom?

Botan : I just had a feeling about you honey, but I think I now know what it was. Tell me, did Kronii or Amelia sent you back in time?

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