8 | Texts and No Phone Calls

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September 2, Wednesday, 7:03pm

Dean was playing Mario Kart Wii with Sam when Castiel finally replied to his text. Okay, texts. He may have gotten a bit carried away. When his phone dinged he dived across the sofa for it, letting Bowser drift to the side of the road and fall into the ocean. Dean ignored Sam's protest when he saw Castiel's name, and he went and locked himself in his room alone. He unlocked the phone.

Dean: hey cas what was all that about?
Dean: sorry if that sounded rude but like. are u ok?
Dean: ok its been hours dentists appointments dont take that long whats happening
Dean: if u dont text me tomorrow im going to fight u
Dean: ok cas honestly u werent at school today? please answer so i know ur not dead
Dean: cas

Cas: Hello Dean.

"Dean! What are you doing!" Sam called, thumping his fist on his brother's bedroom door. Dean threw a pillow at it.

"Not now! I'm busy," he grumbled. He could feel Sam's bitch face radiating through the door.

"Alright, weirdo. That means I won, though," he said.

"Whatever," Dean mumbled as he began typing.

Dean: hi cas. want to tell me where you disappeared to for 24 hrs?

Cas: Yes. Im really sorry for ignoring you. My dad came home yesterday and I had to deal with that. It's stressful.

Dean: oh. dude im sorry u dont need to explain i have some experience in the stressful dad department lmao
Dean: are you okay tho?

Cas: I suppose so. Just tried
Cas: *tired
Cas: Can I talk to you?

Dean blinked at the message. Now he was lying back on his bed as he texted, and it took a moment to realize that his friend was asking for permission to vent.

Dean: dude of course u can
Dean: do u want me to phone you?

Cas: No. My dads here and i dont want him snooping

Dean: ok. we could go out

Cas: Thank you Dean but I'm tired. I'll just stay here

Dean: okie dokie :) so what hapeped?
Dean: happened lmao

Cas: My father is an engineer on a cruise ship, which is why he's not home most of the time. He came home yesterday and I completely forgot when he was supposed to come home. He always pulls us out of school to see him.

Dean: how was he when u got home

Cas: He was completely ignoring me but not Gabriel or Anna
Cas: They're my siblings

Dean: i remember them
Dean: why

Cas: What?

Dean: why was he ignoring you?

After waiting moments for a response, Dean tossed the phone aside and sat up. There. He'd went and said something too intrusive and creeped Castiel out. He should've just left Castiel to talk and not ask questions, dammit.

Not wanting to leave his room with the small hope that Castiel could still reply, Dean pulled a box of candy out from under his bed. He stashed a box like this under every new bed because he never knew when John would lock his sons in their bedrooms for hours.

As Dean was opening a packet of Cheetos, the phone dinged again. He spilled the Cheetos as he picked it up.

Cas: Dean how would you react if one of your friends came out to you?

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