5 - Tenjiku

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"Yeah, and then we tried to act all serious and shit until I pointed out what was on his head." Mikey said, continuing his story.

"NO WAY, DON'T TELL ME IT WAS A—" He nodded before you could finish your sentence.

"IT WAS A PIECE OF SHIT IN HIS HAIR FROM WHEN HE LANDED IN THE GARBAGE!!" You both burst out into laughter as he pointed to his head. "Like, actual shit. It was giant too." He nearly bent over from the amount of laughing he'd done. "Damn, I still remember it as if it were yesterday."

"Did he not smell it or what!?" You managed to say between your giggles, grabbing your stomach from laughing.

"He was as fuckin' clueless as it was hilarious. It resolved our whole fight, and then we ran from it. Draken and I hadn't laughed so hard in a while, not until we messed around in the public bath." The commander said.

"WOAH WOAH," You stopped and looked at him, "messed around in the PUBLIC BATHTUB!?"

"NO, NO, NOT LIKE THAT!" He said quickly, waving his hands which caused you to laugh even more. "I mean, yeah we were in the bath but—"

"Stop, stop... I-I can't breathe." You interrupted him, grabbing your stomach once again from laughing so much. He put his hand on your shoulder to calm you both down, "So, basically, I threw Draken's shampoo hat, and it landed perfectly onto Takemitchi's head." He clarified.

"Draken... wears a shampoo hat?" You asked curiously. "That tall guy with the tattoo on his temple?"

"That's what I said! Vice-captain of a gang but still wears a fuckin' shampoo hat." He chuckled.

You both continued to walk, you'd have thought the walk home would've been awkward, but it was quite the opposite. The two of you had gotten along so well, there were no awkward pauses. You still couldn't piece together exactly why Hanma wanted you to stay away from this boy, but you decided not to worry about it at this moment.

Was he actually the commander that the mohawked boy was describing? Walking alongside you was him—the Invincible Mikey—there, he had his hands in his pockets, coat still hanging over his shoulders as he held his head high. Mikey had an attractive walk, and you couldn't help but turn to look at him. The wind blew perfectly through his hair—he was a work of art. He glanced at you with the side of his eye as he formed a smirk, knowing you'd been staring.

You blushed, "So, you're really the commander of Toman, huh?"

Mikey turned to look at you, "Hah, yeah. I am. Those guys back there?" He said, gesturing with his thumb as he eyed the direction, "They're my treasures, my heart. If anything were to ever happen to them—" His eyes grew dark as his smile faded.

He shook his head, stopping before he continued his sentence, and you saw the darkness in his eyes slowly fade. He broke the silence, "As long as I'm behind Toman, we'll never lose." He declared.

"Mikey, you had such an amazing goal for your gang. It's cool to see that." You smiled at him,

"Your determination and leadership really shine." He didn't respond with his voice, but you could feel his smile.

"Shit—" You added in, stopping on the trail, "I just realized you left your bike back there. You're gonna have to go back there, aren't you?" You said to Mikey.

"Yeah, but I don't mind it." He responded in a genuine tone.

You looked at the ground, then at him, "You know... you really didn't have to walk me. I'd have been fine." But to be honest, you were glad he did. You enjoyed his company. He stopped as well.

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