part 16

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Jk : well , he isn't here right now i see . Its ok we will sit too

Beomgyu: ohh hey hyung how are you all , long time no see .

Kai : yeah yeah , pls take a seat everyone . Btw why are y'all here ?

Jimin : can't we meet you all

Kai : ohh no no , that's not what I meant . I mean that it's been a while , since we met . Is there any new mission

Rm : kind of  . We just needed your help in something

Beomgyu: let's wait for yeonjun first

Jin : sure

Yeonjun : no need to wait , ur angel is here .

Tae : you and angel .  Whom are u kidding boy . We all know who you are
Tae chuckled a little

Making others laugh too

Yeonjun : ayy , let me enjoy a little . Afterall I am known as an angel at University

Jk : only if they know what's behind the mask ofc

Jhope : yes , you all are undercover but we are not . Everyone knows who we are.

Beomgyu: yeah , btw yeonjun new girl ?

Yeonjun : nahh , at first just did that to look like a hero but later founded myself melting at her kindness and sweet heart . I got to say u know , she really is innocent

Suga : and here our tae is saying that he saw her at a mafia event

Tae : we never know , an devil can be disguised as an angel right .

Jin : ok cut the crap and let's get to the point now

Kai : yeah , what did u need our help for

Tae : as you know , that professor Lee has been removed from our university. We were planning to take him to the car to show him how he and his wife will be killed for what they are doing . And y'all already know he nd his wife had been our target for a while

Jk : so we were taking that Lee to our basement which is located behind an abandoned highway . As we crossed the highway halfway . The mafia queens gang members had interrupted us and started fighting .

Jimin : they took his wife from our basement too . And the thing is . They didn't take any weapons or money from the basement which was valueable. They just came there took that Lee's wife and went after leaving our men lying on the floor .

Rm : and while taking his wife . That queens secretary called us telling that the queen had some buisness with Lee and his wife . She will send them to us soon enough and we could do whatever we want to them .

Jk : the thing that triggered us is that . They called us fools for not being ready for a fight .. well but tbh they were right . Our security is down .

Jhope : so we started to look for any traces the queen had left . We just found some tire traces , which we assumed might be the car they took Mrs Lee from .

Jin : so we went home and tried to look into their groups background

Suga : but it's so highly secured that we couldn't crack that . Even me and my team couldn't do it .

Tae ; you know a crazy thing .. they didn't let us hack at the first try . But unlocked the firewall for us at the second time . And we thought we cracked it . But instead we were just doing what she wanted us to do .

Jk : nd the file which we got was just of some random guards who aren't important

Yeonjun : so how can we help y..

Before he could complete his sentence they were interrupted by the guard . Coming in while panting hard .

Rm : what happened

Guard : sir , someone has dropped Lee and his wife in the basement without none of us knowing that they were any near us .

Suga : they are beaten or something

Guard : i doubt that . Its like they are exactly how they were when we last saw them .

Jin : she didn't beat them or anything , wierd

Jk : I am telling you . She's upto something.

Kai : guys let's go first and check the basement for any clues.

Jhope : he's right , let's go

With that they all left towards the basement


On the other side .

Someone was smirking while hearing everything they say

?? 1 : istg , they really don't know how to increase their security ... Like they have been heard and they don't even know.

?? 2 : yeah . It was so easy to know what they do . Their codes are easy to crack too

??? 1 : its ok . But just make sure it's all secured ok .


The nerd . Taehyung ff (ft. blackpink) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz