18. Once Again, A Target.

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Chikamharida's POV.

The car pulled up in the Jone's parking lot where those vans were littered like products on sun dry. Except that they were of multiple colors and not monochrome. Henry digged his hand into the console and pulled out his gun and phone. He noticed my gaze on him and paused; I was staring at him through the side of my eyes.


I couldn't look at him in the eyes. It happens when one has no part of himself to hide and when one's afraid of showing the remaining parts of him which he thinks is inhumane.

With a sigh, Henry relaxed into his seat, his hand on the console about to make their way to my wrist.

"Henry, I..."

"Shh!" He said, his index finger making their way to my lips, where they lingered to pass across his order.

"I understand," he said while looking into my eyes and slowly removing his hand from my lips. He had such an effect on me that I had stilled in expectancy.

However, because the universe was one big joy-killer, Henry's phone had to ring, making him sigh and remove his hand from my wrist.

The caller ID was "S".

"I'm meant to follow you," he said regretfully. "But I have to take this. Just shut the door if you want to leave , okay?"

"Okay," I said with a nod, before adjusting my shirt and walking out.

I would confess however, to another lingering look at him from beside the door before I finally left.

I got to my room to find the door open. Inside it, and sitting on my bed like she owned the place was Adele. Adele was holding a diary, her mother's diary. She was sat beside the window, the heels of her vans touching the legs of the chair repeatedly.

When I got in though, she spared me a look and it was extremely calm.

I knew that wasn't her main emotion. She was always good at hiding it and it confused me sometimes.

Does that make me a bad nanny? I'm kidding! I don't want to know.

"I thought I was the one responsible for the sneaking up," I said as I made my way to the locker.

"Just wanted to make you scared."

"Impromptu visits are not your forte," I said, taking out a local-swim set. "But if I may ask, what do you think can elicit fear from me?"

I began walking into the bathroom and I heard her stand. It made me pause.

"One, you're afraid of losing your job, I know that for a fact," she said. "And two, you've been putting your nose where it doesn't belong. I've been watching you."

I shit my eyes and exhaled before turning. "What on earth are you talking about Adele?"

"You visited my mother with your boyfriend," she said, slowly walking towards me till there was barely a sliver of space between us. "I wonder if you ever knew about all this before I even revealed it."

I took a deep breath. She was definitely right for not trusting me.

"That's not meant to be an agreement between  us, Adele. I'm not meant to take excuses from you."

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