That fucking demon didn't tell me that for the process, it needed my whole blood not just a bowl and then I might be dead.

He fucking knew that everything that I will be dead after the ceremony. And he fucking let me die there like some rag doll.

That is why my blood kept running and I couldn't move a muscle. Whatever I did, to resurrect needed my blood and it drank me whole till nothing left.

I fucking knew that I couldn't trust the demon and they have the tendency to trick anyone to do their dirty work.

Just like he did show me how he killed my grandma.

He is fucking manipulative asshole.

And who the fuck I resurrected?

Whole lots of questions swirling in my brain. Only that asshole can answer me but knowing him, he won't tell me anything. And the where the fuck is he now?

At least he could thank me before disappeared after going through shit.

But I don't know what happened after I lose my consciousness.

Who did bring me here?


Pale man?

I don't remember anything after that

Something caught my eyes and I looked down. The red ruby pendant was still in my neck when I put it while going to the coastline feared it will get lost if I put it somewhere else.

Except the pendant in my neck and the tattoo scar on my palm, I almost believed it was dream but when my gaze went towards the pendant and tattoo, I know this is really happened.

"Who brought me here?" I asked the first question since it was gawing in my mind.

I want to know who the person is.

"Young lady, you are in no position to ask any questions right now." A strict voice said besides me.

I cringed at that voice because I don't know how to tell her what happened. Maybe I was fine sleeping just like before. I didn't have to open my eyes that soon then only she could leave me but knowing her, she won't rest until she got answers she is searching for.

I can't just tell her everything.

And she won't believe me either if I tell her about demon.

"Where. Did. You. Go.?" I cringed again when she put emphasis on each words.

"To the east side." I tried to answer her as short as possible.

I was still playing with my pendant. Not my but now it has become mine. I like it so I will keep it. I am not going to give it back to him if he comes again. I don't think, he will come knowing I did his work.

"And how come devil's ruby in you neck and devil's mark on your palm?" She fired questions. I knew she was trying to suppress her anger to not shout at me.




Did she just say the red ruby in my neck is devils?

And the mark on my palm is devil's mark?

I widen my eyes. I was dealing with the demon this whole time?

But did he put the mark on my hand? And gave ruby to me if it belongs to him?

"U..mmmmm" I didn't know what to say to her.

"Whatever you did, is not right. As he was buried since hundredth years and you just ressurected him."

I then glanced at her. He was the person whom I ressurected?

I can't believe that fucking devil made me do that. To make him alive. But wait. So it was his...

"Yes." Grandma complete the sentence. "It was his soul who made you do that."

Oh goddess!

"Our moon goddess punished him when he killed so many werewolves ruthlessly so she angrily put a curse on him and buried his body in the middle of the island of east side. And left his soul to roam on earth without body. No one knew whereabouts of the devil because no one didn't hear or see him since moon goddess put a curse on him." Curse? He was cursed and punished by moon goddess? And I just ressurected his body.

Very generous of you Ara. Very generous.

She continued. "But she also tell him how to remove the curse. If his deeds will be completed then the red moon will appear in the sky as it has never been before and on that day, a witch's blood will be needed to ressurect his body but his soul won't be allowed there."

So that's why he said he was not allowed there. And that day was the red moon too so that means he impressed the moon goddess with his deeds.

What did he do? To impress her to remove her curse on him?

I am really curious.

"I didn't know that your blood will be the one to ressurect him as you are half witch but I was so wrong and then this happened. I should have known better." She mumbled last words but I heard it.

I grabbed her hands in mine. "It's not your fault grandma. We can't decide what will happen next. It's written already. So relax."

She shook his head. "No, you don't know anything Ara." She then grabbed my right hand and traced the markings on it. "This is his mark." I nodded while furrowing my brows. "That means you are linked to him now." Oh rubbish! How I will be link to him? He is the devil and I am just a human.

"This ruby is his and the ruby recognised you as his so it is remained in your neck if not, then it would have been removed automatically once you put it. It can't be removed whether you want it or not. It will be permanently stick to you from now on."


I laughed at her remarks.

Me linked to him? This pendent belongs to me?

I then grabbed the pendent to remove to show her that she is obviously wrong. I tried to removed it but it won't move an inch. I tried again but nope.

A horror ran down me as my fearful eyes moved to her pitiful.

"This can't be true." I whispered.

I am linked to him?


Did he know that?

I didn't know I said that loudly when grandma replied, "No, he didn't know that. Whoever make blood sacrifice, it will be bind to him forever."


That means eternity

"." I don't know what to say.

"Is there anything to undo my doings?" I said her in hopes.

Because I don't want to stick to him forever.

"Even moon goddess can't do anything about that." And here goes my all hopes to drain. "Wherever you go, he will follow you because of your blood link."

Why the fuck did I do it in the first place, I don't fucking know.

Maybe if I would had told her first then she would have given me a solution but deeds are done already. Thanks to me for hiding this from my grandma.

"Who brought me here then? The devil himself?"

"No. He was nowhere near you. The red eyes man brought you here unconscious and since then you were conscious."

"Since then?"

"It's been a month and a half, since you have been sleeping."

What the fuck!

It's been a month and half already?

"The ceremony took a toll on you Ara."

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