In Between V : Cold

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They smiled at me perfectly and I can't help but smile back. And it was getting awkward until Liam asked me to sit.

"What are you doing here?!" Niall almost shouted.

I turned around to explain, "I'm sorry, I was supposed to get a towel but th—"

"No, it's not you, it's them" He looked at them then turned to look at me, "Have you eaten? You can grab some food in the kitchen." He said while checking the white cabinet for towel, found out that there's none,he headed to the next room.

Liam, Louis and Zayn just looked at me with mouth hanging open.

"Is he your... boyfriend?" They said together.

"Huh? Boyfriend?! No no no! Of course not!" I denied.

They come closer to me, "But Niall does not simply give food to others, unless... you're special." Louis said.

"Isn't it just cereal and juice?" I asked.

"May it be nuts or a piece of crackers, he's Niall, food is something to be selfish at when it comes to him." Liam explained.

Niall came back with a towel on his hands, "why are you three still here?!" he asked.

"Why do you keep on pushing us out... or maybe, you want some quality time with you girlfriend." Louis teased.

"Hey Niall, is she your girlfriend?" Zayn asked ignoring Niall's question.

Niall just looked at me and grabbed my hands, "Yeah." He said without hesitating.

"No, he's not my boyfriend." I denied.

They looked at me surprised, who would be denying a somewhat proposal from Niall, anyway?

"yeah, like hell we'll believe you Niall why not prove it!" Louis challenged.

"Anything" Niall approved while evilly smiling.

"Then, kiss her." Louis said without hesitation.

I was about to move away when Niall kissed me. My eyes were closed until I felt his lips touched my forehead. My hands find my chest throbbing, heart pounding.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Niall, perfectly smiling, "I respect women" he said before leaving the room.

I held my breath for a while then breathe louder, remembering how Niall's kiss made my heart explode. I was too shocked to even imagine.

"I respect women" Louis mimicked Niall while Zayn and Liam laughed so loud.

"Hey Niall!" Louis called out for Niall who is in the other room, "have you seen your picture in twitter, fans tweeted it."

"What picture was that?" Zayn asked.

"The one when Niall was a kid and he's sitting above a girl!" Louis answered while laughing.

"Above a girl?!" Liam asked surprised.

"Yeah, and that's what you call, I RESPECT WOMEN." They laughed all together.

I joined them, laughing too. Who would think of Niall sitting on a girl. That's funny.

I sat on the white sofa in front of them and they prepared food for me.

"Let's watch movie!" Zayn asked everyone to join.

"We still have a midnight interview, right?" Liam asked.

"It was cancelled." Zayn announced.

And then they turned off the light, opened the television and Liam was asked to pick a movie over the DVD shelves. And they all crawled to the sofa and waited for Niall to arrive. When we heard footsteps, the three of them readied their pillows to throw at Niall once he appeared on the doorstep.

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