Chapter- (527) Why do even the strongest have to be dying and see destruction?

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A Sadhak should read all the Vedas Shashrats and Upanishads Puranas but if he does not learn to love whatever Paramatma has given him as his Parents, friends, relatives, society, country, Nationality and tries to perform his role in the best possible ways and manners on the stage of the world by seeing Paramatma in every beautiful as well as in every ugly and evils, wrongs and negative elements, he would n find Paramatma neither in the statue made of stone or wood nor in any holy place considered as Tirth or Dham of God.

जेनी देखोंआत्मा ,तेता सालिगराम।

राधू प्रताप देव हाम,मही पाधर सूं कामा ? Kabirji says that, Sadhak When you are blessed with a human body serve others with whatever you have and try to see Bhagavan Vishnu ...Shaligram in stone otherwise it would be a worship of a stone as Shivlingam if you cannot see Shiva in it. Or Shaligaram.God in his multiple form roams in every living and he is in non-livings too. If you cannot see him in every Jiv, your worship and going to temple .mosque, Derasar or Gurudwara and Agiyari is in vain . Serve all the living and poor, needy and helpless creatures and deaf and dumb animals and birds and you will see Paramatma in their eyes.

समं सर्वेषु भूतेषु तिष्ठन्तंपरमेश्र्वरम्।

विनश्यत्स्वविनश्यन्तं यः पश्यति स पश्यति ।।

A Sadhak who sees Paramatma in every living and non-living, in every perishable body, and within every creative beautiful, or ugly with the same feelings he could see Paramatma as every creature has to take birth, has to grow, and has to die one day. We know Satyug, Dwapar Treta has already gone and we are living in Kaliyug. Everything is perishable and created by Prakruti. Only Paramatma was there in the past before the creation of the universe. He is omnipresent in the present time and he will remain after the destruction of this universe. Whatever we see with our physical eyes is going to be destroyed it means that whatever we see today was not there in the past and it would remain as it is today forever in the future.

कालका पहिया धूमै रे भैया लाख जतन इन्सान करै।

देख चले बारात कभी बिना सामान चलै।।राम कृष्ण हरि...

Tulsidasji says in his Ramcharit Manas that when a Sadhak of Gyan Marg, a devotee of Bhakti, Marg, or a family man of a Karma Marg knows that whatever he does, he is serving Paramatma in every Jivatma, he would not feel an attachment to anybody as Parents, children, wife, husband friends or things under his possession. He would remain detached from Sansar because the feelings and attachments to the body create an illusion - Moha and this MOHA is not a true form of love for Paramatma because the reason for birth afterbirth in different yonis.

जासु सत्यता तां जड माया।

ऊस सत्य इव मोह सहाया ।।

When a person sees only Paramatma everywhere वासुदेवम् सर्वम् इति, he would be free from animal instinct of loving a perishable body made of flesh and blood and bones. Every person has to abandon this kind of animal instinct as BHAGAVATAM says पशुबुद्धिमिमां जहि।

A Sadhak who sees different people in different bodies is under the illusion of Sansar he has to remain self-destructive but whoever sees Paramatma everywhere and not the Sansar which is perishable is sure to get Salvation. In the UDHYOG PARVA of Mahabharata it is said that whoever does not see the immortal Paramatma but sees only the body is KHETRA and whoever sees and recognizes Paramatma in every Jiv is KSHETRAGNA

योङन्यथा सन्तमात्मनमन्यथा प्रतिपद्यते।

कि तेन न कृतं पापं चौरेणात्मापहारिणा।।

Who lives within him is like a thief who is stealing his chance which is given to him as a human being to acquire liberation from the cycle of birth and death.

The whole thing is that every Sadhak has to recognize Paramatma as the ultimate truth –the immortal in every JIV and should create an attachment to Paramatma only and he should recognize Prakruti as a perishable element as well as an illusion and remain detached from all the illusion of Sansar in the form of person, places, prosperity or possessions because

न राजा रहेगा न रानी रहेगी।

ये मिट्टी सभीकी कहानी कहेगी।

Only five elements would remain forever and that too would change their place as water to landscape and landscape to watery bodies or mountains or valleys because of cyclones, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, or any kind of natural disaster. Possession of the kingdom of Samrat –the emperor changes after the death of a king and some time before his death nothing is permanent. Hence a wise person should remain attached to Paramatma Paramtma Purush only and should create distance-detchment with Prakruti.

As we see various kinds of Jiv in this trio world of land air and water जरायुज,अण्डज,उद्भिज्ज एवम् स्वेदज with trio bodies as STHULA, SUKSHMA and KARAN SHARIR are made by Prakruti.This living roams in the cycle of birth and death with different bodies, different names, different shapes, different virtues, and vices Satva Rajas and Tamas at different times and different places and die after a fixed time. In the same way, the courses of rivers, ponds cities, villages, land, and seas also change with time. They are described with different names and they also lost their importance and status glory and name after a different period.

There are two types of action Some are automatic as we saw seed. It would be a tree as a baby boy or a girl grows physically without any extra effort but the second type of action is done with efforts i.e. Karma whichever they are inspired by the proportion of virtues of Satva Raja and Tamas in every JIV. Our body is created by Prakruti . Hence is near to Paramatma and soul. Is part of Paramatma hence it longs to go to Paramatma. Relation with Prakruti becomes the cause of entertainment of senses and relation with Purush Paramatma helps us to be true free all VIKARS and when we throw seeds on the earth it grows but when we try to measure the soil used for the growth of a seed and then for it or grains given by the plant or fruits given by a tree the weight of soil would be less than the weight of grain or fruits given by a tree It shows that soil turns into grains and fruits by nature. then how could Purush existing with Prkruti remain detached from all the Vikars of Sansar?

Let us surrender to understand the untold secrets of nature to live life better on this planet and see liberation after death...

Om Tat Sat...

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