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Her brothers all looked at her curiously. "So he can't touch you, but he can talk to you?" Mitchel asked

She nodded her head. "Seems that way bro."

"Well at least we know you aren't going to be hurt while you have those dreams. I still find it odd that our aunt would give you a random plush like that. You don't even watch a lot of anime, let alone collect plush dolls." Jacob said with a shake of his head

Sina looked at the doll confused as it sat on the table "I don't even know why this doll was even a thought for our auntie to give me, it's not like it's something I'd be interested in. That bitch Reya-maybe...but me?"

"Well after breakfast we can watch the anime and you can see for yourself how he acts, I also know there are anime books about the series, I have them so you can read what happens after what takes place in the second season of the anime." Michael said between bites of his food

"And people call me a dork."

"Well you are, just not about anime." Michael said with a smile

Sina rolled her eyes hearing her brother speak. Mitchel who sat beside her looked at her concerned. "Are you sure you're going to be alright? That knife must have hurt you a lot."

Sina looked at Mitchel with smile before she placed her fork down. "I'm alright, when it first went in me it hurt like a bitch. I screamed out in pain because of it. But now...now I don't feel anything. Heck I can't even feel my arm anymore it's like a noodle."

"Well the doctor did say it'd take up to two to three weeks for your arm to gain it's strength back. So don't strain yourself sis." Jacob said seriously "That also means no doing chores for those weeks. Most if not all of them involves you lifting heavy shit. Us guys got the chores until you can move your arm without too much trouble."

Sina nodded her head. "O-Okay."

After eating Mitchel did the dishes while Michael took her to his room where they watched on his TV that was connected to his laptop the first season of the anime. While they watched the anime Sina held onto the plush of Senri rather tightly. As the first season ended Sina leaned herself up against Michael. "You weren't kidding about the love triangle incest bull shit."

Michael laughed hearing what Sina said. "I warned you."

At that time Mitchel knocked on the door and came in. "Yo Mike, Si Auntie came over-she wants to talk to Si real quick like."

Sina was confused on why but didn't say anything as she left out of Michaels room as she followed Mitchel to the sitting room. When she saw her Auntie she was confused. "Afternoon Auntie."

"Afternoon sweetie. How has the plush been for you?"

"Uh...plush like."

Her auntie laughed a bit "That's not what I mean sweetie, have you had odd dreams since I gave it to you?"

"What do you consider as 'odd'?"

"Seeing that male in front of you and speaking to him."

Sina froze where she was. "Y-Yes...H-How..."

Her aunt let out a sigh "So what I was told was true, that doll is one of a pair. The other part of the pair is with the same male that you have."

"O...kay? So how do the plush dolls work?"

"You two may only speak to one another while you two hold the dolls close by. If the dolls are away from the two of you then the two of you may touch one another. I don't know what it is so-but it is."

"Auntie how come you know so much about these plushies? That's just odd." Mitchel asked confused

"The place where I got the plush from was from a store that a friend of mine owns. They had called me today due to them realizing what they had sold me and told me to warn the person I gave it to what the plush could do." 

"I see...well that makes things a bit easier I guess. May I ask why is the doll that is a pair to this one a doll of myself?" Sina asked her aunt

"That's the thing, the pair for that doll will vary depending on who got ownership of the doll. The fact that the doll looked like you was all due to the ownership of the doll you have. Since you have that doll, he has a doll of you now."

"And what's the purpose of the dolls other than them looking creepy as hell?" Jacob asked

"It's how they'll be able to communicate and be able to one day give the dolls of themselves to the other. Once that happens she'll be finally ready to trust someone to love and care for her. Which is the whole reason I got the doll for her in the first place."

"What the hell is that suppose to mean? Si ain't dating no one Not without one of us knowing about it first." Mitchel said protectively

"Oh? Well that's a new attitude I didn't think would happen."

Sina let out a sigh before she looked at her auntie. "Auntie...Jake, Mike and Mitch have been rather...protective and possessive over me since the brat who was here trying to take my life from be literally stabbed me in front of Jake and our parents. None of them are keen on the fact that for hours I was in the hospital cause of that woman."

"Oh...well that is interesting to know, well I'm glad to hear that you boys have shaped up. Maybe one day you boys will be able to finally treat your sister with kindness that she'll want out of someone outside of this crazy family."

[Complete] Book one: Dreamless Love [Senri Shiki Love story] Plush! AUWhere stories live. Discover now