Chapter one

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Standing curbside with her luggage at her feet she pushed the handle into the slide bars on the back of the roller style suite case and, then tossed it into the trunk of the cab.

It has been four years since Marta had done anything for herself. Managing to keep a marriage together even after Josh slept with her sister Shelia, and two of his ex partners. Being married to a cop was difficult all on its own, but being married to Josh, was an entire different level of difficult.

Marta wasn't secure with her heart, feelings, or her choices but she was most secure with the fact that Rolan wouldn't ever hurt her. She'd heard his voice every day, saw him, listened to him play guitar a few times and typed him every day since the last time Josh stepped out on her, four years ago. Only now she was stepping outside of her comfort zone; it was finally time to meet him.

Marta watched out the window of the car while it pulled away from the curb, yet no one knowing where it was that she was truly going... Josh was sure to have a surprise when he got home from work that night; she knew that when he noticed what was left in place of her his mood wouldn't be pretty.

The trees were blurring together, a streak of green with brown at the bottom while the cabby drove. The motion sickness swirled low in her stomach, soon it would inch its way upward and spew out from between her lips...Or maybe it was her nerves who knew? At this point it wasn't her; she felt she didn't know anything. She began to question why she had even agreed to doing this at all, was her Shelia right? When she told Marta that she was making a huge mistake leaving Josh like this? Even if it was only for two weeks that she would be gone.

Just when she was about to tell the cabby to turn around and take her back home, the consequences she would face upon her return home, were bound to be too much. Opening her eyes to look at the phone when it started ringing, she also noticed they were at the air port already, causing her to forget and she just slid the answer button on the screen without looking. "Hello" she answered pressing the phone to her ear.

The breathing sound through the phone didn't help her in knowing who it was and, she half contemplated pulling the phone away from her ear to look. But, the cabby pulled open her door and said "out you go Miss" his voice thick with his Arabic accent.

"Stop over thinking this Marta" Rolan's voice was thick with his Danish accent "step out of the car, get your bag and go into the airport." As he spoke his voice barely made connection with her brain.

Her hands rubbing on her knees while the phone pinched between her left ear and shoulder. The sound of her name as it rolled off his lips, even through the phone it sounded like it belonged there and she managed to mumble "hmm" while still setting in the car.

"Miss" the cabby interrupted her "I will have to flip the meter on if you refuse to get out of the car." Getting her attention, yet, she still looked at him confusion crossing her face, her lips flat on her face.

"Breath" Rolan whispered into the phone "and remember I will be there."

She wondered "how far away are you" while speaking the words out loud. He stomach pinched hard and hit an entire new level of nervous, and, now she knew it wasn't motion sickness. Turning her legs, feet connecting with the cement the cabby offered her his hand and she took it. "Wait" she breathed closing her eyes and whisper out loud "I am doing the right thing, I need to do this."

Swallowing her nerves she stood up straight and pulled the handle to her suitcase out, and, started walking into the airport the phone still between her shoulder and ear. "See you soon" Rolan whispered, and for a moment while hearing the smile in his voice, she felt at peace.

She didn't respond she just ended the call, her nervousness clamming up her warm hands, and, red hair. She was sure it wouldn't be long before she started to smell, and, soon she'd be in the front of a car with Rolan. Probably one of those clammy little compact cars, she thought as she looked over the selection on the rent-a-car poster inside the airport.

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