1. " I have only you"

Start from the beginning

When she reached in front of the car someone sprayed some gas on her face which made her fall unconscious.

When she woke up she saw herself in a dark room. She was having a severe headache. She was unable to process what was happening to her. Her heart filled with fear.

Where is she? What was that place? Who bring her here? And most importantly who sprayed on her face and made her unconscious? She was thinking this while she heard a thud and saw someone coming through the door in the room.

When she saw that person, her fist clenched. Her eyes became red. Anger could be seen in her eyes. She was shivering from anger.

He was the same man because of whom her life has become hell for the past few days - Aman.

"Why did you bring me here? Who the hell are you to bring me here in this way? Hn,tell me?" Noor asked angrily. "

Oh god Noor, how many times I have to remind you that I would be your husband and You would be my wife in some days?" Aman said.

"Oh just shut upp!! Just shut up!! and let me tell you once again that I am not going to marry you at any cost" she warned him.

There at the venue hall Aditya was busy searching for Noor. 'Oh god! Where is this girl? She didn't even come to meet me once. Is this how best friends behave?' he thought in his mind.

Kashti saw him and seeing his worried face she guessed that it was about Noor only.

She knew why he was tensed but still she acted and asked him " Why are you looking worried? Are you searching for something or someone?"

" Ohh yes I am searching for Noor. I can't find her. Do you know where she is?" Aditya asked unaware of her intentions.

"Oh yeah she just forgot some gifts at her home. So she went there to bring them. She told me this before leaving." Kashti lied.

She knew if he didn't get any answer to his question he would be leaving to find Noor immediately. So she lied to him in order to succeed in her plan.

Her plan was that Aman will kidnap Noor and forcefully marry her. But she didn't know about Aman's intentions.

Aman and Noor argued with each other.

"Oh dear why are you this arrogant? Your family also wants the same. Your father also wants us to get married. Right?" Aman said with a smirk.

"Huh!! my father" Noor said in low voice thinking about what happened in the past few days. Her eyes filled with tears. Her brain filled with dark memories of those days.

Again she got angry. Due to anger tears rolled down her eyes. She looked at him angrily. Her eyes were bloodshot red. If looks could kill then Aman would've died at that moment.

She didn't want to talk much. She was walking towards the door when Aman slammed her to the wall. She with all her force pushed him backwards. He fell on the ground but got up immediately.

Noor ran towards the door but pulled by Aman holding her wrist. She tried to free her hand from his grip but all went in vain.

"What the fuck are you doing? You wanted to marry me right then is this the way you behave with your girl? That's the reason I don't want to marry you. I knew you very well from the very first day you met me." Noor yelled at him.

" Huh! marriage? Didn't you reject me in front of our families? How dare you do this with me? I am Aman Rajvansh. AMAN RAJVANSH." He shouted at her.

When Noor rejected him his ego got hurt. He wanted to teach her lessons that day.

Kashti met him and when he got to know about her intentions he lied to her that he liked Noor and wanted to marry her. Kashti found her way to separate Noor from Aditya. But she didn't know that Aman is going to double cross her.

" Your male ego got hurt and now you want to marry me forcefully so that you can make my life hell. These are your intentions right?" She asked him looking into his eyes angrily while trying to release her hand from his grip.

"These are exactly not my intentions. Noor Mukherjee. You bitch. How dare you reject me? Now I am gonna fuck you and leave you and your ego broken. I want to teach you a lesson since that day. You should learn how to be respectful towards Aman Rajvansh." He said while slamming her against the wall.

After knowing that his plan is to molest her, Noor got frightened. A sudden shiver ran through her spine giving her chills. She started shivering. First tears filled her eyes due to anger but now she was crying because of fear.

Her brain was unable to process his words. She was wishing to god to take her life at that very moment. It's better to die than to be alive without her self respect. But still this won't be helping her. She has to do something.

With all her force she pushed Aman. Immediately she grabbed an iron rod and hit the back of his head. "Ahhhh!!" Aman screamed and fell down unconscious.

She immediately grabbed his phone and unlocked it with his right hand thumb. She didn't have her phone as Aman must've thrown it somewhere. She dialled a number on his phone and ran outside that room.

She locked that room and ran towards the main road away from that place.

The person answered the call and before he could say something Noor cried, " Please come here, please. I ca....n't call any....anyone. I don't be...believe anyone now. He would not leave me. He would......" she couldn't say this. She was stammering due to fear.

She cried and cried then said " Please come fast, please. I have only you. I have only you Aditya."




So friends how was the first chapter?? I am a bit nervous because I am writing for the first time. So if there is any mistake let me know about it.

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