Chapter 6: To the New World!

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===Sky's POV===

I decided to join the long line. It was freakishly long. But I have patience. I can wait at the loading screens for my RPG games how much more these simple ones... a piece of cake!

I decided to sing some songs quietly or to think of random situations from my novels to not bore myself.

The line... Well, it was slowly moving. Just a little bit slow...

'Hey, at least we made some progress.' I thought positively.

I continue to think of some random scenes from novels and anime. Of course, elf-related ones.

As I was having delusions about not killing myself from boredom, I heard two men in white robes talking. One has a slightly muscular body and blonde, light blue eyes and curly hair. And the second one is a skinny one with a cute and feminine look, lime eyes and a short, golden hair. My hearing is kinda clear so I can hear their conversation.

"Hey, Jasper, what are they doing here?" said the boy with long, brown hair.

"Jade! Well, after they die, they will be transported here in a few days if they haven't done any bad stuff. Then, they will form a line and after they go there to the temple, they will evaluate a reflection regarding his/her past life." Said the other one with curly blonde hair.

"Woah. Cool. Then?" said Jade.

"Then, with the help of mind magic, their minds will be wiped and a brand new one will be made! They get transported to a new world with a new life! Reborn. Crazy, huh?" Jasper replied.

'Eh? Reborn? Magic? Wait there's some other world? Hahaha! So that means, there's a fantasy or a cyberpunk kind of world? Or even better! A world full of elves! Hehe... Elves...' I thought.

"Wait. Has Lord Kami told you about this?" said Jasper.

"Well... Hehe... While Kami was doing a presentation, I dozed off... Hehe..." Jade replied.


'Shit! I'm getting hyped up! This is awesome! That means there's a fantasy world full of magic and beautiful races! Especially ELVES!!!' I thought. I begin to giggle. My body feels excited as they want to explore there.

But our mind gets wiped? Bruh. No fun. Ugh... I need to find a way just to go there without wiping my mind leading to a brand new one! I don't want a fresh and empty brain. All I want is an adventure!

'Must. Find. A. Way..!'

I began looking around, scanning the area. I feel like this is an urgent mission from a Fantasy RPG Game and it makes me wanna finish it quickly!

I noticed around 30 men with white robes around this area. There's a huge temple in the middle and beside it are some weird-looking shapes with some pictures in it.

'That's it! Those must be portals! maybe those will lead me to another world! I must get there. But how?'

After thinking, I came up with a plan.

'I will wait until I'm near the temple and I'm going to run for my life to a portal that, hopefully, will lead me to a fantasy world!'

Well... That was the best plan I can think of. I don't have any equipment or magic. This is like a level 30 mission and you're just a level 5! It's pretty hard but not impossible. Nothing is impossible.

"I hope this will not mess up..." I whisper to myself.

I waited for like, maybe an hour until I was finally near the temple.

'Shit. This is too risky. But this is for my dreams! For the elf girls that are waiting for me! What the fuck... I feel like an idiot... I think I must restrict myself for being too obsessed with elves.' I giggled.








Quickly, I run for my life towards the portal. The men in white robes are surprised, as well as the souls who formed a line.

Two men in white robes started chasing after me. I recognized them. They are Jasper and Jade!

"Hey, stop!" Said Jasper.

"What do you think you're doing? Come back!!!" Jade added.

I didn't listen to them and I began running faster.

I noticed that their people were guarding the portals. Perfect! An absolute win!

"Hehe... I got this." Jade said to Jasper.

Jade then chants and charges a light orb in his hand.

"What the fuck?! I didn't know they had magic! Dammit, this is bad!" I said to myself before running the fastest that I could.

Jade then shoots the light orb at me, making a small cut and a burn on my left leg. I groaned in pain as it hit me.

"Ah, shit... Must not stop... But it hurts..." I continue to run, but this time a little slower.

"What the heck, Jade! I thought you were going to make an immobilization spell! Why did you make an attack spell?" Jasper said.

"Oh, sorry. I'm still learning about my light magic. I didn't know that was an attack spell... Hehe..." Jade replied.

"Ugh, dummy! Don't do that again." Jasper shouted.

I feel a weird feeling on my left leg. It feels like spreading but I don't care at all. All I care about is to go to a portal to start a new life!

I am now closer to the portal. Before going in, I waved goodbye to Jasper and Jade then I went into a portal. My vision started to get fuzzy and I closed my eyes as I was traveling to that portal.

===Jasper's POV===

'Heck. He got away! I must tell Kami about this.'

I immediately went to the temple to see Kami. His appearance currently is a muscular body with black hair and yellow eyes. He can change his appearance when he wants to. Like anything.

"Kami! There's a problem! A soul has gone to a portal without going here to mind wipe!" I said.

"Eh?! But how?" Kami said.

"He just suddenly ran towards the portal. Jade has made a small cut in his leg but it's small only." I reported.

"Perfect." He said.


What does he mean by 'perfect'?

"I wanna conduct a research. Who has better evaluations? The one who has mind wiped or a person who has not. you said that Jade has made a scar on his leg?"

"Yes, Kami," I said.

"Great. Now I will find him and maybe watch him. This is going to be fun!" Kami said cheerfully.

I don't understand Kami but I guess I need to follow his orders.

'Good luck, boy.'

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