chapter eighteen: panning

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! mrs crain episode ⚠

! mrs crain episode ⚠

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Brooklynn, Sarah and Kiara entered Mrs Crain's house. It had a grand piano and a fancy staircase. 

"That must lead to the switches," Brooklynn said, pointing to a wire across the ceiling.

Kiara nodded and led the way. Thankfully, the circuit box was there and there were actually switches inside this time. 

Kiara flipped a switch labelled 'porch' and saw the light outside go out through the window.

"Okay, good job," Brooklynn breathed.

"Now let's go!" Sarah said.

But just before they could exit the house, a loud yell was heard from below them. They assumed it was one of the boys in the basement. 

The girls heard shuffling upstairs, meaning Mrs Crain had awoken. The three girls looked at each other hearing the 85-year-old woman walk down the stairs.

"It's- It's late, Leon," Mrs Crain croaked in her elderly voice.

Mrs Crain turned the corner and walked right past the girls, not seeing them. Kiara clasped her hand around her mouth, trying to silence her breathing. Sarah whimpered so Brooklynn grabbed her hand.

"I can hear you, Leon," Mrs Crain whispered, once again referring to her dead husband.

Sarah let out another whimper. Mrs Crain stopped in her tracks and turned around, "I've been waiting all night.

All three girls screamed and ran separate ways away from the old lady. Brooklynn ran up the stairs and into a bedroom, which she assumed was Mrs Crain's.

Mrs Crain had followed her up the stairs instead of going after Sarah or Kiara.

"Leon, are you in here?" Mrs Crain asked.

Brooklynn managed to keep her mouth shut and quieten her breathing.

"Brooklynn?!" Sarah yelled from downstairs.

Mrs Crain whipped her head around, "Leon? Are you down there?" 

Brooklynn didn't want Mrs Crain to go after Sarah so she said; "I don't know where your husband is!"

Mrs Crain lifted the fire poker and tried to hit Brooklynn in the face with it, but she luckily dodged it.


"I'm not your husband!" Brooklynn shouted.

Brooklynn wasn't lucky enough to dodge her next hit because the fire poker hit her leg and slashed her thigh open. Brooklynn cried out in pain and surprise. 

Kiara and Sarah ran into the room and pushed Mrs Crain into the dresser, knocking the woman onto her ass.

"Shit, your leg," Sarah said, inspecting Brooklynn's thigh.

𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ~ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now