Game 102

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District 12

Opal had been selected to perform the reapings this year.

After a long day of reapings, Opal Nightingale (Game 101) arrived in District 12 after an interesting reaping in District 14, in which the German boy Karl attacked a peacekeeper. She obviously hoped for a change of pace in the usually docile District 12.

Opal talked with Mayor Jacob Everdeen, the son Primrose Everdeen who was thirty eight years old. Opal then approached the female bowl, reaching inside and removing the name of eighteen year old Katniss Mellark.

Cameras focused on the victor of the 90th Games, Rue Mellark, and the aghast expression on her face. Cameras then focused on a young lady with olive skin, dark curly hair, and blue eyes as she walked to the stage and shook Opal's hand. Katniss was calm and collected, seemingly expecting her reaping.

Opal next chose the name of eighteen year old Gregor Fleming. A tall young man with blonde hair and blue eyes walked to the stage. Gregor was a part of the wealthy class of District 12, and was one of three brothers and two sisters born to a family of doctors.

In the town hall, Katniss visited with her parents and triplet younger brothers, Malachi, Mordecai, and Maverick. She remained calm as she hugged her mother and father, before seeming shocked when Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark came to visit. Both gave as much advice as they could, with both being in their early 70s, before Rue escorted her daughter to the train.

Gregor visited with his parents, two younger brothers, twins Evan and Ethan, and two sisters, Delia and Christa. He promised to try his best to return, with his father suggesting allying with Katniss.

On the train, Katniss and Gregor met their mentors, Rue Mellark and Remedio Burgundy Cartwright. Rue reviewed her daughter's archery skills, while Remedio taught Gregor how to use a spear.

During training, Katniss agreed to ally with Gregor, and scored a 9 for her impressive archery skills. Gregor scored an 8 for spear throwing, and overall, all eyes were on the pair from 12.

During her interview, Katniss discussed continuing the Mellark legacy, while Gregor spoke of wanting to return home to his family.

In the launch rooms, Rue was especially clingy towards Katniss, begging her to try her best to return, as she couldn't lose her.

Meanwhile Remedio spoke with Gregor about staying with Katniss until the end to allow a double win for District 12.

District 0

Several days after the reaping in District 12 it was now time for the final reaping in District 0. The eligible youths were lined up in age based rows. Opal reached into the female bowl, choosing the name of eighteen year old Libra Montgomery. A pretty young lady with a pink dyed pixie cut of hair and sparkling blue eyes walked to the stage.

Libra had formerly been apart of a prestigious family that had fallen from grace after half supported the Games and the other half supported the Games ending. Libra and her cousins had been separated and banned from contacting each other, leaving just her and her older brother, as their parents had died a while ago.

Opal next reached into the male bowl and chose the name of eighteen year old Barnaby Kraft. A handsome young man with tanned skin and dark curly hair walked to the stage and shook Opal's hand.

Barnaby was a part of a wealthy family that had sided with ending the Games. They had been imprisoned in the newly built District 0 alongside many others.

Libra said goodbye to her older brother Gabriel, before being taken to the train. Meanwhile Barnaby said goodbye to his parents and two younger sisters, Melissa and Calliope.

On the train, Libra and Barnaby met their mentor, Callista Posh. Callista taught both tributes how to throw spears, and worked with them on their best skills, which was medicine for Libra and strength for Barnaby.

At training, Libra and Barnaby agreed to ally, and Libra later scored a 7 for spear throwing, while Barnaby scored a bit higher at an 8.

During their interviews both were confident and expressed their excitement in fighting and representing the Capitol.

Callista visited Libra first, wishing her luck before doing the same with Barnaby. Callista left rather early, as her tributes rose up into the arena.

**Will be edited later**

Arena-Grassy Plains

Games Recap

The bloodbath started with the deaths of the forgotten tributes from 4, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 14, three males and three females.

Next, Granito of 1 fell to Katniss's arrows, and then Dendra and Septimus of 2. Juvelia of 1 almost escaped, but also died due to Katniss's arrow. Libra speared Edina and Seattle from 6, while Gregor killed Neil from 5 by spearing him in the heart.

Barnaby killed Zippa and Pellet from 8 with his spear, also attacking Turmeric from 9. Karl of 14 killed Adrielle from 4 and Perrie from 7 before falling to Katniss's arrow.

Coda and Hertz of 3 were killed by Libra and Barnaby spearing them in the heart, before Carrie and Rico of 10 were shot by Katniss's arrow. Aloysia was speared in the heart by Libra as she turned to run.

Barnaby rushed at Katniss but was shot in the heart. Libra realized she couldn't kill Katniss, so instead speared Gregor in the heart. Katniss cried out in annoyance, but eighteen year olds Libra Montgomery of District 0 and Katniss Mellark of District 12 were announced as the victors.


Libra moved back to District 0, marrying a young lady named Callista Cassius. The two adopted a son named Gladius and a daughter named Juliet.

Meanwhile Katniss married a young man named Samuel Rifton, having a son named Gregor after her ally and a daughter named Magda.

Hunger Games-2 Victors-28 TributesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz