Meeting Zooli the New guppy

Start from the beginning

Oh by the way, Oona just became Isaac's Girlfriend. Mr. Grouper said. Oh wow. I'm so happy for you two. Zooli said. Thank you Zooli. Oona said. Do you want to see where you will be staying? Molly asked. Yeah. I would love to. Zooli said. Okay. Follow me. Gil said. Okay Gil. Coming. Zooli said. So, We all went upstairs to our bedroom where the me and Oona along with the other guppies are sleeping. Oh wow. Is this where I will be sleeping? Zooli asked. Yeah. You will be sleeping here with the rest of us. Oh wow. Cool. What are these? Zooli asked. Oh these are my Bubble Guppies plush dolls. I got them for my 6th Birthday. I said. Oh wow. That's really cool. Zooli said.

Yeah. I currently only have these Six. But I'm planning to get a plush doll of you on Christmas or my birthday. I said. Oh wow. That will be cool. That means you will have every single one of us as a plush. Zooli said. Yep. That means my collection of the Bubble Guppies plush dolls will be complete. I said. Wow. That's amazing. I will be so happy for you. Zooli said. So, what do you guys want to do now? Zooli asked. We could go take a tour around the city. Gil said. Ooh. That will be nice. Zooli said. I'm fairly new here as well. Zooli said. Oh really? Molly asked. Yeah. We just moved here. Zooli said.

Oh wow. I said. Me and you are fairly new to this city. I said. Oh yeah. That makes sense since the Bubble Guppies found you on that beach. Zooli said.  how long have you been living here? Zooli asked. I've been living in BubbleTucky for like almost a year. I said. Wow. That's quite a long time. Zooli said. Yeah. We are glad that Bubble Puppy spotted him on the beach when he did because we don't even know what could have happened to him if he didn't find him. Molly said. Yeah. We didn't want him to be on his own. Because he was only 5 years old when we found him. Nonny said.

Oh wow. I'm really sorry that happened to him. Zooli said. I'm glad he is safe with us now. Zooli said. Yeah. Me too. Goby said. So do you guys want to go take a ride into the city? Gil asked. Sure thing Gil. Zooli said. Okay guys. Let's go downstairs. Goby said. Hey guys. What's up? Mr. Grouper asked. We were just talking about taking a ride into the city since Zooli is fairly new here. Molly said. Oh yeah. That sounds like a good idea. I'm actually going to pick up some  pizza. Mr. Grouper said. Oh wow. That will be great. Gil said. 

Yeah. Some Pizza sounds good right now. I said. Yeah. I agree. Gil said. So you like Pizza Zooli? I asked. Yeah. I sure do. I would love some good pizza right now. Zooli said. Okay sounds good. Mr. Grouper said. So, we all headed to the car and headed over to the pizza parlor in BubbleTucky. Hello Mr Grouper. Hope can I help you this evening? The male chef snail asked. Yes. I would like a large pizza to go please. Mr. Grouper said. Okay coming right up. The male chef snail said. So, the male chef snail went to get our pizza and we were on our way. Here is your Pizza Mr. Grouper. The male chef snail said. Thank you so much. Mr. Grouper said. No problem Mr Grouper. You guys have a good rest of your night. The male chef snail said. Okay thank you. You too. Mr. Grouper said. 

So, we got our pizza and we all headed back to the preschool. I can't wait to have pizza for dinner tonight. I said. Yeah me too. Zooli said. Yeah. I agree with you  Isaac. Yeah. I can't believe that I'm actually going to be staying with you guys in the preschool. Zooli said. Yeah. We are excited to go on lots of adventures with you. Goby said. So, we all headed back to the preschool and we all went inside to eat our pizza. Okay guys. It's dinner time. Mr. Grouper said. Ooh yay! Zooli said. This is going to be my first dinner with you guys. Zooli said. Yeah. We are so excited to have you here with us. Gil said. Yeah. I agree with you Gil. Molly said.

Okay guys. Here is your Pizza. Mr. Grouper said. Thank you Mr. Grouper. Zooli said. So,  we all ate our Pizza and decided to play upstairs for a while until it was bedtime. Hey Zooli, do you want to go back upstairs and play for a while until we have to go to bed? Goby asked. Sure Goby. Zooli said. So, me and Oona along with the other guppies brought Zooli upstairs to play for a while until it was bedtime. So, have you guys been watching any shows lately? Zooli asked. We've been watching Several Bubble Guppies marathon dvds. I said. Oh wow. Zooli said. Yeah. Isaac is a really big fan of our show. Molly said. 

Wow, I never knew that he liked Bubble Guppies so much. Zooli said. Yeah. He has been a big fan of Bubble Guppies since he was like 3. Gil said. Wow. That's amazing. Zooli said. Also, we just found out that he was diagnosed with autism a few weeks ago. Goby said. Oh wow. Really? Zooli asked. Yeah. It turned out that he was born with it. Nonny said. Oh no. I'm really sorry to hear that. Zooli said. Oh. You think that's bad? It gets worse. Goby said. So, apparently, he hates gore. He gets scared very easily when he sees stuff like that. Gil said.

Yeah, when we took him to see the execution of his parents a few months ago, he got so scared that he almost threw up and he actually started crying. We had to bring him back to the preschool right away and we had to calm him down. Oona said. Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry to hear that. Zooli said. Yeah. We also found put that he is afraid of clowns. Molly said. Wow. I'm really sorry that happened to him. Zooli said. I feel kind of bad for him. Zooli said. Yeah. Me too. Nonny said. At least he is safe now. Nonny said. Okay. That's a relief. Zooli said. 

So, we all continued chatting for another hour or so until it was bedtime. Okay guys. It's time for bed. Mr. Grouper said. Okay Mr.Grouper. Molly said. Come on Zooli. We gotta get brushed up for bed. We will show you where the bathroom is. Goby said. Okay thanks guys. Zooli said. So, we all headed to the bathroom to get brushed up for bed. Oh. So, this is where you guys get ready for bed and stuff? Zooli asked. Yeah. It is. Gil said. Wow. Nice. I will have to get used to this. Zooli said. 

So, we all got brushed up and went to our bedroom to get ready for bed. Okay guys. Let's go to bed. Oona said. Okay Oona. I said. So, we all got into bed and cuddled each other until we all fell asleep.

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