Chapter 5.5: Am I not allowed to sit here?

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Just as the group was about to continue their conversation, their new homeroom teacher entered the class, instantly capturing the students' attention with her warm smile. Everyone gathered to their seats, and Y/n was sitting alone as Jake changed his seat. But you tried to understand his feelings and slide it off, but you can't deny the fact you were upset.

Yunjin: (looking towards you) (whispering) "Why did Jake change his seat?"

Y/n: (whispering) "He is still angry on me from that day, but let it be. I understand they both need time to settle."

Rose shot an intense death glare at Jake; she was not happy with Jake's sudden decision.

Jake: (shrugging his shoulders) "What?"

Rose: (whispering to Jake) "Seriously? You had to change seats on the first day?"

Jake avoided her gaze and focused on his desk.

Rose: (angry) "What the hell!!!" (about to throw a pencil at him, but Yunjin stopped her)

Yunjin: (tensed) "Rose, cool down. We will sort this later; for now, focus on the lecture."

Teacher: "Good morning, everyone! I hope each one of you had an amazing summer break filled with fun and relaxation. I'm Ms. Nam Soo-Yeon, and I'm your new homeroom teacher for this school year."

Everyone was happy to see a new face and nervous at the same time because they didn't know if she is strict or a soft person.

Everyone: (excited) "Welcome Miss."

Ms. Nam Soo-Yeon (smiling): "I'm excited to get to know each and every one of you. Before we start, let's go around the class, and you can introduce yourselves. Share something interesting about yourself or anything you'd like me to know."

One by one, everyone began introducing themselves, some with enthusiasm and some with nervousness.

Student 1: (happy) "Hello, I'm Sooha I am Class Representative. I love playing the violin, and I'm part of the school orchestra. Music is my way of expressing emotions."

Student 2: (confident) "I'm Jeyhun, I am Class Representative. I traveled to a different country and tried some amazing food!"

Student 3 (nervous): "Um, hi, I'm Tae Oh. I... uh, I don't have anything interesting but I like to play video games and listen to music."

Ms. Nam Soo-Yeon (encouraging): "That sounds wonderful, Tae oh. Don't be nervous; no one is going to judge you here. Who's next?"

Student 4: (enthusiastically) "Hi, I'm So-won. I love photography and gardening."

Sujin: (charismatic) "I'm Sujin, and I love acting! I've participated in a few school plays, and I enjoy bringing characters to life on stage."

Rose: (mumbled) "Hmm, we know very well how good you are in acting, that's why you play as a good friend with others and then stab them in their backs."

Yunjin and Jake silently laughed at Rose.

Jiyeon: (acting shy) "Hello, miss. I...I am Jiyeon. I don't have any good hobby, but I like reading books and playing different sports."

Rose: (loud enough to reach into Sujin and Jiyeon's ears) "You forgot to add manipulating others and spreading rumors, nosy bitch."

This time, everyone started laughing at Rose's statement while Jiyeon shot her a death glare, and the teacher was confused.

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