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chapter storyline fromstation 19season 1 episode 8

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chapter storyline from
station 19
season 1 episode 8

Alex leaned forward on the table, his hands ran over his face as he let out a long sigh. This wasn't what he wanted to be doing right now. He knew this definitely wasn't what his team wanted to be doing either. They were all sitting in the hall, waiting for their turn to speak.

The sound of the door handle moving caused Alex to sight up straight, his back clicking into place. His eyes widened slightly and he stood up to face the man that entered the room, "Chief Morgan. I thought Chief Williams was overseeing this shift."

Charlie Morgan was one of the Chiefs for the Los Angeles fire department. Out of all the Chiefs, he was the one that wasn't seen as often. He was also the one that was disliked the most.

Charlie began to take off his jacket as he said, "I've taken over for her. I felt that she would be a little too biased between the stations." Alex's jaw clenched slightly. Chief Williams was the best Chief in his opinion. She was always coming around, checking on the stations. Involving herself and actually wanting to get to know each and every one of them.

Charlie Morgan on the other hand...not so much.

Gesturing his hand out, he said, "Take a seat...Now walk me through what happened today. Starting with this morning."

9 hours earlier

"Morning Cap!" Leo called as he made his way through the station doors. "Reaves," Alex nodded, "How was your weekend?"

A smirk formed on Leo's face, "You probably don't want to know."

Alex rolled his eyes, "Ok then. How's your sister?" Leo couldn't help but smile, "She's good. Tired, I mean I would be too if I was a surgeon, but she's good."

"I could never be a surgeon. You know how many people i'd end up killing." Theo commented as he brushed past the two. "Probably not as much as Leo would."

Leo shot his Captain an offended look.

The sound of the doors opening caught their attention and they looked to see Christina Colton, Alex's wife, and their two daughters Lucy and Riley walk in.

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