Chapter 1: Stopping A Robbery

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Ruby and I are in a shop called "Dust 'till Dawn" for something. I am looking for upgrades while, on the other side of the aisle, Ruby is looking through a weapon magazine, as usual. Anyway, I had my AirPods on as I was listening to "We Want Out." I felt someone tapping my shoulder, so I turned around and saw a thug behind me. He pointed at his ear, so I turned off my AirPods, and he pointed a sword at me.

Thug: Hands up!

Y/N: Are you robbing me?

Thug: Yes!

Y/N: Oh.....

3rd POV:

Outside of the store, two thugs were thrown out through the window as two of our main protagonists rushed outside for terrain advantage.

Roman: Okay... Get them...


They brought out their red blades as I activated my gauntlets. I looked at Ruby, who had her Crescent Rose ready.

Y/N: You take the ones on the left, I take the ones on the right?

Ruby: Sure.

Y/N: Alright, ready sis?

Ruby: [Nods]

Y/N: Alright, let's do this.

We charged against our selected side of henchmen. One tried to slash me, but I blocked it with my left hand, and my right gauntlet fired as I punched him, sending him towards a wall. One tried to slash behind me, but I knocked him aside with my tail. I rushed against two more guys; one tried to slash me, but I slid between his legs and kicked him from behind, launching him forward. I dodged another incoming slash as I punched him in the face, knocking him out with (W/N). The henchman I kicked got up, so I decided to do my favorite move. I took a step back, then ran at him and jumped, with my tail dragging across the ground as I performed my infamous sliding kick.

The henchmen looked at me in both shock and confusion, but they didn't realize I was heading towards him at high speed. Once I landed the kick, it broke his aura and launched him across the street. As I landed on the ground, I heard laughter. I looked and saw my sister laughing as the guy with the bowler hat was completely baffled by what he had just witnessed.

3rd POV:

Ruby: [Calming down a bit] That never gets old.

Roman: What the F🦆k did I just witnessed??

Y/N: Probably my favorite move in all of Remnant.

Roman: Anyway they were worth every cent, truly they were. Well, Red and lizard... Thing? I think we can all say it's been a wonderful evening and as much as I'd love to stick around.

He got rid of his cigar as he raised his cane, where the bottom opens and a cross grid appears.

Roman: I'm afraid this is where we part ways.

He fired an explosive round as Ruby dodged, but Y/N tanked it. As the smoke cleared, he disappeared. Ruby tried to look for where he went, but Y/N spotted him.

Y/N: There!

They see Roman climbing up a ladder.

Ruby: [Looks at the shopkeeper] Mind we go after him?

Y/N transformed (W/N) to traversal mode as he launched himself onto the building where Roman was, while Ruby used her scythe and semblance to catch up.

Ruby & Y/N: HEY!!!

RWBY: Minus Oneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें