45.didn't want you to ever come here

Start from the beginning

"Rory, I'm so sorry," he said. She shook her head. "I'll give them a call," he said.

"Umm... can we keep this between me and you?" she asked. George nodded as Liora walked away and back up the stairs to her room. She had a few hours until she needed to get ready for the award ceremony.

As she sat on her bed, her eyes moved over the work on it and stopped on Cole's assignment. She knew he was never going to do it. Slowly, she grabbed it and pulled out the papers, letting her eyes move over it.

Liora grabbed her pencil and started to work on it. She did everything that it asked for and more. She got so caught up in making sure everything was perfect that she didn't realize how much time had passed until there was a knock on the door.

"Rory, we are leaving in 20 minutes. Are you almost done?" Jackie said through the door, making her look at the time.

"Shit," she said, jumping up. "Yeah! I'll be down in a moment!" she said, rushing around to get ready. She let her hair fall in its natural waves and added light makeup before putting on her dress.

It was a beautiful off-the-shoulder blue-green dress that stopped just above her knees, and she put on some heels. Liora gave herself a once-over before grabbing Cole's assignment. Quietly, she walked to his room, opened the door, and laid it on his bed before heading out to the car.

"Oh Rory, you look hot," Isaac said, making her roll her eyes and get in the car. It didn't take them long to get to where the award ceremony would be held, and they all made their way inside and sat at their seats.

Liora had been to a lot of these, so she was fine, but some of the boys didn't look like it. It was very quiet, but as Liora sat, letting her eyes move around, she realized that Cole still hadn't shown up. She didn't think he would miss it for something like getting drunk or high.

Liora just sat there, poking at her food. "Hey," Danny whispered to her, making Liora look at him. "Have you heard from him?" he asked. Liora shook her head when the door opened, and in he walked.

And what the heck was he thinking?

She watched in shock as he walked over, stopping next to her where his chair was, and grabbed the glass on the table before turning to the waitress walking by.

"I would love a glass of that if you don’t mind," he said as she poured him one, and he sat next to Liora.

"Rory," he said, grabbing her hand on the table and kissed it. Was he high? Drunk? Liora just looked at him.

"Maybe you should stick with water, Cole," Alex said as his eyes moved from Cole to Liora. He could tell she was not happy.

"Maybe you should keep your opinions to yourself," Cole said back. Liora closed her eyes and shook her head as she looked at Jackie.

"Maybe you both should just stay quiet and eat your dessert," Jackie said, "for your mom and for you," she said, looking at Cole.

"Don't make a mess that my sister will have to clean up," she said. Liora's eyes widened at Jackie’s words. "She's been hurt enough," she mumbled as Cole looked at Liora.

"Is Rory okay?" he inquired, and Liora glanced at him.

"Please, Cole, just eat something," Liora urged, looking away until a voice filled the room.

"Dr. Katherine Walter," the older man announced, capturing everyone's attention. "Dr. Walter has dedicated over 15 years to running her clinic and—"

Liora averted her gaze, focusing on Cole as he downed his drink.

"Cole, please," she whispered, making him look at her. "Why are you doing this?" She asked, but her question was drowned out by the applause that erupted as Katherine stepped up to the microphone.

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