Zhairo finally opened the door as the students screams in shocked echoed in the restroom. As soon as they finally see the full view begin the door, It was Gerald. He welcomed the few groups of the students with his lifeless bloodied body. His head was leaning against the wall and blood dripped from his forehead to his face, there's a stain of his own blood on his uniform, on the floor, there's a pool of blood formed between his two legs.

On the other hand, Tyler, Isaac, Knoxx with her girlfriend, Vivienne and the other few students ran following Tyler's lead. When they arrived at the second floor where the studio is. They attempted to open the door without wasting any time.

Isaac held the door knob as he waited for Tyler's signal, then suddenly opened the door after their 3 seconds eye-contact. They ran inside the studio and found no one, only the leftover coffee that placed down to the audio monitor. Jasper gaze out to Tyler's who's shaking his head indicating that no one's here inside the recording room.

Back where Zhairo and other students was. Everyone are gasping in terror as fear kept chasing them starting last night after what happened to Grey.

“What the..” Someone among them murmur in fright.

“H-He's dead.”

“I-It's the mafia game,” Ledger stutteringly spoke up and stole Sky's attention, where Zero was beside her gave him a sharp glance, hiding from his shoulder. “What if we all die too?” He added.

Not even a second got wasted when Zero grabbed at Ledger's collar and confronted him but he kept Sky at his back.

“Shut your fucking mouth, you idiot! Who says we're going to die?!” Zero yelled at his face, clutching Ledger's collar roughly.

Sky closed her eyes in disbelief and frowned at Zero, Here we go again, his aggressiveness is really something extraordinary. She gently grabbed his forearm where he stole Zero's attention, Sky shook her head indicating him to stop. Their gaze met as he saw how her eyes was determined to calm him, then Zero closed his eyes and gave her a short nod, patting her head gently while giving her an assuring smile.

“Hey, Light! What are you doing?!” Everyone attentions was transferred to Light when Veronica yelled her name.

It was when Light step forward and kneel down in front of the blood. Aurelia also tried to call her out but Light ignored her. She suddenly dipped her fingers in the blood.

“Let her. She's into mystery novels. She knew how to handle it, She's an expert.” Sky proclaimed, proudly looking at her friend. Her eyes can tell how she trusted her friends too much.

“The blood's still wet. He hasn't been dead for long.” Light remarked as she leaned her hand to the door and trying to throw up.

Sky turned her attention to when Zero placed her hands to Zhairo's shoulder who's standing in froze now. “Class President.” He spoke up.

He's face showed his impatience, trepidation and a bit anger due to the lack of command from their class president. “What do we do now? Huh? What now?”

“First...” Zhairo paused. “We must get out of here.” He added and faced Zero.

“Tell the others that we must get out of here.” Zero unplaced his hands onto Zhairo's shoulder as others students started to leave the restroom.

Zero grabbed Sky's wrist and tugged her to be with him. Zhairo walked near to Light and assisted her to stood up and leave the restroom

Back to the studio, Everyone's phone rang as their received the message that Zhairo sent to the chatroom.

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