Chapter 25 Accident

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  "Don't worry, captain. I promise to work hard after a break." "I'm sure nothing will happen to the food." After the captain finished speaking, except for some elderly people muttering that they shouldn't do this, everyone else promised not to do it. It will be mistaken for food being put into the warehouse by mistake.

  After two days of rest, Xu Minghai was happier than anyone else. "I'm so exhausted. I can finally take a breath." Xu Minghai said in his heart.

  "Yingzi, let's have something for lunch. You've been tired a lot these days, so take a break while you're not working." Although my daughter-in-law does less work, she follows her every day and does it in a down-to-earth manner. When I came back from work, I still had to prepare my food. I had no time to spare, and I was already tired and thin.

  "Okay, let's warm up the leftover chicken soup from last night, put some noodles on it, put some wild vegetables on it and eat it like this. By the way, I've been visiting the field these days. I haven't been to Dr. Duan's place for a few days. Where are you going after dinner? Let's go take a look and I'll give you some food." Han Xiuying thought about the situation and said.

  "Okay, let's give him some yams and rice and let him cook it himself. He's been busy lately, and no one will pay attention to him, an old man with five categories of black hair." Xu Minghai didn't want his wife to make food for the old man anymore, because he was afraid of being tired. On fire.

  After returning home, the two of them washed themselves with hot water from a large basin in the yard, and had a hasty meal. Xu Minghai let Yingzi rest first and then carried his things to the cowshed. Old Man Duan has also been dragged to work in the fields these days, and he is very tired. At first, he had some food from Xu Minghai, so he was able to eat well. But now, no one has come here for three days, and he can't even get enough food. I ate two meals of wild vegetables.

  This time Xu Minghai saw the old man looking at the door as soon as he got close. He probably was waiting for his own and walked over quickly, "Mr. Duan, I'm sorry, I have been busy these days and forgot about it. I will give it to you as soon as I think of it. It's been delivered, and there are three kilograms of rice here, so you can make some vegetables to eat in your spare time."

  "Yeah." Mr. Duan only gave Xu Minghai one word, but his deliberately sullen face and eyes that obviously couldn't hold back his smile made Xu Minghai feel funny. Thinking about an old man ending up in such a miserable state, Xu Minghai also I didn't mind. I put down my things and was about to leave. Unexpectedly, I turned around and just raised my feet when I heard, "Come here after the summer harvest, but I will only teach you how to recognize herbs."

  After so many days, Xu Minghai finally heard someone let go. He was very happy and turned around. Before he could express his gratitude, old man Duan carried his things into the house, leaving Xu Minghai with a hunched back.

  "Exactly." Xu Minghai shrugged, whistled nonchalantly, and left in a good mood.

  At one or two o'clock in the afternoon, when the sun was shining, there was not even a dog wandering on the dirt road in the village. Xu Minghai wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hands and walked home quickly. He happened to hear it when he passed by the door of Xu Mingbin's house. Binzi's loud voice.

  What's going on? It's not a quarrel, right? Xu Minghai thought about it and entered Xu Mingbin's house. What's the matter with the old man choking with the woman? Xu Minghai thought that if the two of them quarreled, he might as well persuade him. I advised Binzi to get better.

  Unexpectedly, as soon as I reached the door and before I could say anything to enter the house, I heard Li Li's voice: "I am doing this for everyone's benefit. The summer harvest should not be rested. What if it rains? The food will be destroyed." "

Time Traveling Through the 70s《穿越七十年代小日子》حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن