Chapter Thirty-Two: Birthday&LifeChanges

Start from the beginning

"I just want to talk... That's all." I finally exhale.

He nods and pushes himself off of the door and begins walking towards his living room. That's what I love about these international hotels, they have every amenity needed to feel as if you are in the comfort of your own home. Each suite has its own touch of comfort from wide living rooms, to spacious bathrooms. It's just pure luxury.

Unfortunately it is a luxury that hasn't been thoroughly enjoyed, due to the obvious.

"Come on, now. You said you wanted to talk..." Bill calls, glancing at me from over the head of the love seat.

I nod awkwardly and scurry over into the living room, taking a cushioned chair adjacent to him. Once seated, I sigh heavily and begin.

"You know Noah's birthday is right around the corner and well... I'm nervous about seeing him. It's hard finding out your first born child has autism. I want to be a good daddy, but how can I if my son can barely be around me before crying hysterically? It's been eating at me a lot..." I stress, hunching over in the seat to hide the unwanted tears, that have managed to spew through my sentences.

He sighs aloud, mumbling something beneath his breath before answering.

"What did I tell you Michael? That boy will only be as strong as you are. How do you think Jesse feels actually having to endure his symptoms everyday without you. Michael it's going to be hard, maybe even hell. But you will get through it. Both you and Jesse... Everything will be fine." He sighs, his voice seemingly closer.

I nod, glancing up at him. Through blurred vision I make out his supportive smile. Bill is so good to me and sometimes I feel like I don't even deserve it. I've put him through hell, having him have to constantly clean up my many messes. We've been through a lot, and I know it's beyond the reason of him being my bodyguard, it's because of his true genuine love and loyalty to me.

I couldn't ask for a better father figure, a better friend.

"I-I know... It's just, just thinking about the odds. It kills me. My little Nutty, having to suffer. And on top of that, his mom and dad aren't even together-"

"Wait, what? Back up a minute... What do you mean you and Jesse aren't together?" He interrupts, his eyebrow raising in great interest.

I sigh. In addition to the many things I've been avoiding telling Bill these past months, mentioning my cut off with Jesse was one of them; the main thing actually. I just didn't want hear him fussing at me. I didn't want to listen to him constantly going on and on, defending Jesse. I have feelings too.

Unfortunately, now I have to tell him and endure the very reactions and words I tried to avoid.

Just great.

"I told her I was done. Well, she told me we were platonic and crap... So I just suggested we walk away. I mean there's no use in beating a dead horse. I've tried everything I could to get her to see how sorry I am. But every time she gave me the run around... I love her, but she was killing me.. And-"

"So you found a nice young girl, huh? What are you doing with Lisa? What are you doing with a married woman! Michael this is stupid as hell! You know people have seen you two together! Now you're being suspected of yet another love triangle?! Boy I swear... You just don't get enough!" He suddenly snaps, crumbling every bit of my future sentences.

Taken a back by his sudden tone and agitation, I furrow my eyebrows and glance at him silently. How can he just snap like that? I don't even understand why he's snapping. I told him that Lisa and I are just friends. I'm not looking for more and neither is she.

Dangerous & Anew (Sequel to Inhaling Alongside You)✔️Where stories live. Discover now