Chapter 15 - Cautious Engagements

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Days passed in a monotonous blur, each one blending into the next with an unremarkable sameness. Without the use of magic, my world felt constricted, like a beautiful, dark bird caged and unable to spread its wings. The frustration of hiding my true nature gnawed at me, a constant reminder of the precarious situation I found myself in. The shop, once a sanctuary of secrets and spells, now felt like a prison, its walls echoing the silence of my subdued powers.

Just as I was brooding over my constrained existence, a knock at the door jolted me from my reverie. Standing there, to my surprise, was Leon. His presence was as unexpected as it was unwelcome. "Braids, I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me," he said, a hint of earnestness in his voice. "I know my brother doesn't like you, but I do."

I stared at him, incredulous. "What the hell?" was my first thought. Trust was not a commodity I dealt in freely, and Leon's sudden interest seemed suspicious at best. Was this another ploy by his brother? A way to gather information or catch me off-guard?

Despite my skepticism, a plan began to form in my mind. If I kept my magic hidden and my lips sealed, Leon wouldn't be able to glean anything of value. And perhaps, just perhaps, I could use this as an opportunity to learn more about him and his brother. It was a risky game, but one that could potentially yield useful information.

"Alright," I said, feigning a casual interest. "Let's go out."

As we walked through the streets, I kept my guard up, carefully choosing my words and actions. Leon, for his part, seemed genuinely interested, but I couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to this than met the eye. I watched him, analyzing his every word and gesture, looking for any hint of duplicity.

The evening passed in a blur of cautious conversation and veiled glances. Leon was an enigma, and I found myself reluctantly intrigued by his company. Yet, the shadow of his brother loomed over us, a silent specter in our midst.

Returning to the shop later that night, I felt a mix of relief and frustration. The outing had yielded little in the way of useful information, but it had confirmed one thing: Leon was not to be underestimated. As I locked the shop door behind me, the familiar sense of solitude enveloped me once more. In this world of shadows and secrets, trust was a rare and dangerous thing, and I was more determined than ever to guard mine fiercely.

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