"i don't know i have my ideas." he mumbled staring at the light which was still blinking green.

"come on. come on." Belle mumbled hearing the train appearing closer and closer when it changed to red.

she laughed jumping up and down, JJ clapped wrapping his arms around her waist spinning her around.

"that's what i'm talking about! you my girl are a genius." JJ set her down holding her face.

"no, it's all you. science. like you said." she smiled at him.

"and now we wait."

when the train approached it slowly started slowing down, grins appeared on the couples faces. a car approached as they both quickly hid behind the tree watching closely.

"why is there a car? that wasn't apart of the plan." she whispered leaning over JJ's shoulder.

"shit." JJ whispered.

the security guards walked over to the tracks seeing the jumper cables and unplugged them. Belle had wondered if Pope and Cleo were able to get the cross, the light turned green as she looked at JJ.

"you think they got it?" she asked.

"let's hope. come on let's get out of here and go help them."

the couple ran back to the bike while JJ reached into his pocket grabbing the keys, something fell out of his pocket which made Belle pick it up while slipping on his bag, she noticed the initials on the wallet recognizing it and looked at JJ.


he stayed silent looking at her as he licked his lips, "if i'm gonna be accused a thief, might as well get something out of it."

"but you're not. you're giving Mike a reason to call you one." she says.

"they're already against me. so who cares? your parents probably think the same." he faced his bike.

"no they don't. JJ-"

"know what, Bells? we don't have time for this. get on." JJ finally looked at her.

Belle just stared at him in silence, she knew what Mike had said about JJ was going to bother him. she's known JJ long enough to know how he gets when he's upset and she hated seeing him upset.

"get on the bike, Bells."

a truck sped past the two seeing a crate in the back and Pope and Cleo, "that's Top. and that's the cross. get on!"

Belle just took a breath getting on the back of the bike wrapping her arms around his waist. JJ started the bike following the truck catching up to their friends. her grip tightened on him hearing the sirens, Belle turned her head seeing the cop car right behind them.


"i know. i know."

JJ sped up getting closer to the truck, he drove right beside the bed getting closer and closer.

"what are you doing?" Pope yelled.

"Top, keep going straight." JJ yelled to Topper.

wolves • jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now