"Did you study veterinary medicine at columbia?" I asked, "we saw the picture of you and mom."

"No, I got my first degree there and then I went to vet school here in colorado. such a long time ago."

A few moments past of us in silence until katherine broke it, "The three of you are so much like her" Katherine smiled as her eyes got watery.

It made the three of us smile, "they always say Jackie was a clear image of her while Lucy looks...looked more like dad like Michelle."

"Well, it's not just your looks. Jackie has her poise, her bearing. Michelle has confidence, her humor I heard about the little remarks, And Juliet you have her smile and wits." Katherine's eyes moved as she spoke of us three, "She talked about you three and Lucy all the time."

"She talked about you too, how come we haven't met you before the funeral."

"Well you did, you were all just really little. It just got so hard for your mom and me to get together. we'd manage every couple of years but we talked on the phone and texted. Last time I saw her she was at Telluride for that film she did the costumes for."

Michelle smiled as she was the one who got a main role for that film while Jackie and I helped for some of the music.

"I was actually planning a trip to come see her when...the accident happened." At the mention of the accident it was as if the air got tense. Jackie sat down on her bed messing with her hands while Michelle and I shared a gloom look.

"I know it was hard coming here. And I cannot begin to imagine what you three are going through. But you know it's what your mom wanted. I mean your uncle Richard loves you guys, but he travels so much for work with Miguel and your mom really wanted you to have a stable family around you. You get that, right?"

"We know, I do." Jackie answered as the rest of us nodded, "I loved your mom, your father was a dear friend. And we made a promise to each other that we would always be there for each other's families if they ever needed us. I want to be here for you. if you girls will let me." Katherine spoke softly as tears welled up her eyes.

"Are you guys hungry? we're about to have dinner." Katherine asked us three.

"yeah, sounds good." I answered as Jackie shook her head saying she was tired.

"Me too." Michelle stood up offering her hand to help me up.

Katherine smiled at us before looking at Jackie, "if you change your mind just walk down."

Michelle and I walked behind Katherine to see George grilling.

"Hope you girls are ready for burgers." George asked us to keep a sincere smile before flipping a burger.

"yeah we can eat." I answered as Michelle wrapped around me before we walked away leaning on the rail to see that the sun was starting to set.

"It's beautiful here." I mumbled, the sun made the sky glow a beautiful orange. The orange red merged into a light peak that took over the sky. The girls turned to see all the walter boys playing around. They had a different vibe than the boys back at home.

The pretentious city boys were a vastly different then the country boys they were currently looking at.

They were carefree playing around with pool noodles and playing soccer with their siblings with no care for anything else.

𝑵𝒐𝒗𝒂𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒆 - 𝑰𝒔𝒂𝒂𝒄 𝑮𝒂𝒓𝒄𝒊𝒂حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن