Chapter 14

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~Time Skip~

Anthony's p.o.v

I was watching Netflix with Ian, while looking through Twitter. I saw loads of comments about Mari.



Mari just came in my head, and that's all I could think of now. Her laugh, smile, and her beautiful eyes were floating around in my head. A knock was on our door. Ian went to get it. It was Joven and Mari. "Oh my god! What happened?", Ian asked worried. "I'm fine", I heard a voice whimper. Mari walked in with crutches under her arms, and a cast on her foot. "Mari!", I screamed while crying. I ran to her, and I hugged her tightly. I was crying so bad, my face was really red. She started crying too. "I broke my foot", she explained. "I'm okay baby", she reassured brushing my hair with her fingers. She kissed me to make me feel better, and it helped a lot.

Mari's p.o.v

When Anthony was crying, I broke down. I just feel so bad for not telling him I got injured. He sat by me holding my hand, and kissed it. "Do you want anything to eat?", Ian offered. "Can I have water?", I asked. "Of course", Ian said smiling. He gave me the cup of water, and I sipped it without trying not to choke on it. Anthony was rubbing my back, and I kissed. "I'm so sorry", he started to tear up again. "It's not your fault", I said kissing his cheek.

We sat on the couch for a while, and I really just needed to nap. "Is there a room I could sleep in?", I asked. "You can sleep in the guest room", Anthony said. He picked me up bridal style,(why do people type this in EVERY fanfiction?) and he put me on the bed gently. "Can you help me change?", I asked. "Yeah", he said smiling. He winked at me, and thrusted the air. It made me laugh. "Asshole!", I giggled. He kissed my forehead, and went to get some shorts and a t-shirt. He sat me down. I took off my shirt, and he helped me put on a new one. He then pulled off my pants, one leg by one. He rubbed my leg as he did, and I started to tear. Hey finished putting on new shorts, and sat in front of me on the floor. He rubbed my legs to comfort me. "Everything's fine", he comforted. He kissed me, then went back downstairs.

Joven's p.o.v

Anthony walked down the stairs while Ian and I were playing Mario Kart 8. "She's doing okay", he obliged. We both nodded with acceptance. "I feel really bad for her", Ian voiced. "M-Maybe she shouldn't come for videos until she's better", I uttered. They both looked at me like I said a bad comeback or something. "I actually kinda agree on that", Anthony said.
"Maybe it's for the best", Ian sighed.

Anthony's p.o.v

Joven left an hour ago, and Ian was watching "Orange is the New Black", and I went upstairs to go to sleep. When I walked past the guest room, I heard somebody utter my name. "Anthony?", the voice called. It was Mari. Her voice was so cute. I slowly opened the door to see her looking at me. "Can you stay with me until I fall asleep?", she whimpered. She didn't do it on purpose though. I could tell, and she was going through a lot right now. I didn't need to say anything. I took off my shirt, and then my pants. I was wearing nothing but boxers, and I got in the covers with her. "My foot feels like ass", she joked. I laughed at her cuteness. "Your adorable", I complimented. She kissed my forehead. She nestled her head under my chin. "I love you", she whispered drifting to sleep.

Anthari: A Smosh Fan-Fic ~COMPLETED~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora