✟ 12.

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Kaylani's POV:

I began to wake up, immediately feeling an intense pounding in my head. I groaned at the feeling. I opened my eyes, trying to adjust. Once I was fully there, I realized a pressure from behind me. I used my arms to hold myself up. I looked behind me, Johnnie laying there. I looked around, realizing we were back in the hotel room. I got out of bed slowly, pausing every time I moved slightly too fast because the headache would strike harsher.

As soon as I lifted myself off the bed, Johnnie woke up. He groaned slightly before lifting his head. "Oh look, you're awake." He said, his voice barely sounded like it belonged to him. Without a word, I made my way to the bathroom. I was just going to use the restroom, but I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. 

My hair was messy and all tangled. I hadn't realized what I was wearing, but I was still in the dress from the night before. My stomach poked out, unflattering when I slouched. My makeup was wiped off, still a bit of eyeliner under my eyes and a purple mark on my cheek bone. I touched it, pain only striking when a certain amount of pressure was applied. I let out a sigh, and used the bathroom. I washed my hands, then my face once more. I made my way out of the restroom, meeting eyes with Johnnie. 

"What happened last night? Why do I have a bruise?" I asked, grabbing comfortable clothes out of my suitcase. "That's a question for Jake, because I don't know." I looked at him confused. "Tara, you, and I blacked out. I don't remember shit from last night." I took off the dress, and replaced it with a white tank top and pink pleated pajama pants. I headed towards the door. I stood there, waiting for Johnnie. "What?" He asked, attitude in his voice. "I'm fucking hungry. Let's get breakfast." I matched his attitude. Johnnie just looked at me before standing up slowly, fixing his hair. 

We both walked out of the door, making our way to the main floor. We got our food and made our way back up. While going to our door, we met with Jake. Jake stood at our door, knocking. He turned to see us. "There you are!" He walked to us. "How long were you knocking?" I asked, laughing. "For a good minute." Johnnie giggled. We opened the door, immediately sitting on a bed. We all sat on my bed. "Do you want this?" Johnnie asked, holding out his plate to Jake. Jake took the plate and began eating as Johnnie got up to his suitcase. "You were fucked last night." He said, his mouth full of food. "What happened? I have a fucking bruise." I gently took my hair out of my face, showing him the dark purple mark. He gave me a disgusted look. "You don't remember shit, huh?" He teased. I shook my head. "Let me tell you." 

Jake's POV: 


I sat, talking with Reggie. It was a serious conversation that got interrupted with Tara holding my shoulder from behind me. "What's up?" I asked, looking up. She was all smiley, constantly closing her eyes. "I'm drunk." She giggled. I smiled at her, it quickly fading after realization hit. I looked around, realizing Kaylani wasn't with anybody. I quickly shot up, searching around the crowds. It didn't take too long, though. A familiar laugh caught my attention, followed by a crash that wasn't loud enough to silence everyone, but to have a group of people look at the direction. 

I made my way to the sound, immediately seeing Kaylani's heels peeking behind a table. When I stood in front of her, she was laid on the ground. I laughed and reached my hand out. She took it, lifting herself up. Before she could fully stand up, she slipped, hitting her face on the edge of the table. I gave a frightened look, knowing it would leave a mark. I let go of her hand, placing both of them under each arm. I lifted her onto her feet. I made sure she was steady before letting go and wrapping an arm around her. I helped her walk back to our small group. I placed her on the couch where Tara was now seated. Kaylani sat slumped. Don't get me wrong, she looked good still, just definitely out of it. Tara giggled at the sight of her. I looked at Johnnie. He had his somehow calmer look, indicating he was also drunk. 

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