The Apple Farm -Chapter One-

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Andy was working on his farm, he wasn't expecting anyone to help. He doesn't think he can look at his ''friends'' or the barn the same again. Especially when they were the reason he had to play a dangerous game of tag just for his house key back. But one problem is that he is the only one who can see Peter. Peter wouldn't leave Andy alone, if there ever was a chance to scare him or ruin his day Peter took it.

Peter was watching Andy work while thinking that this was the time, the time to scare him. But before he had a chance to they both looked toward the picnic area as they heard Felix yelling.


Followed by Melody. ''Yeah! There is!''

Andy sighed as he got up and walked to meet these new people. When he got over there he saw that they weren't people at all! Andy was a little revived to see this as the only people who came to his farm liked to snack on apples. Peter followed behind Andy to see the unexpected guests. 

The tall red one seemed to be confused. ''Duck, this isn't the park. I thought you had a way with maps?''

''I do! The map you handed me was confusing!'' The one that looks like a green replied back.

''Duck. That's the map I always hand you..'' The red one said with a bit of annoyance in his tone.

The small yellow one waved shyly to Andy, as Andy waved back to the kid he spoke up.

 (Andy's POV)

''Hi! I'm Andy The Apple and you're at my apple farm! These are my friends. Claus, Margret, Melody, and Felix!'' I then pointed to each person as I said their name.

The tall red one faced me and then introduced himself and the two others. ''Red Guy, this is my boyfriend Duck and my child Yellow Guy.'' He said pointing to the other two.

''It's nice to meet you, what makes you stop by my farm today?'' I asked

''As confusing as this sounds, we wanted to take Yellow Guy to the park but ended up here,'' I then heard Red guy mumble ''Last time I give Duck the responsibility of doing the map.''

Duck then rolls his eyes, he seems quite annoyed.

Margret stands up and walks up to the trio.

''Well, how about you stay for a bit? I have pie baking and wouldn't mind giving you guys a tour!'' 

Red Guy nodded ''Thank you, we appreciate it.''

Yellow Guy walked up to me, he seemed to be a little nervous. ''Andy...''

''Yeah?'' I ask the kid.

''Can you tell the pumpkin guy to stop staring at me..?'' He asked as he looked down.

I froze. I didn't know what to say. He can see.. Peter.?! I thought everyone was right and I WAS crazy...

''O-oh yeah.! I'll tell him that.! I think you should catch up with your parents.!'' I replied trying to sound like I wasn't panicked. Yellow Guy nodded and ran to Red Guy.

A couple seconds later Felix walked up to me. ''Whats up dude, you seemed pretty shocked by what Yellow Guy had said. What did he say?''

''N-nothing Felix, it's nothing.!''

''Okay dude.. if you say so..'' Felix said as he seemed to know that i had lied.

Peter must've heard what Yellow said and seemed shocked by it. ''He.. can see me.? I thought only you could see me..''

''I did too..'' I said not turning to face him. When I did I saw he had a wicked smile one his face.

                                             What is he planning.?


Hi!! Is it making sense?? I tried my best, but lemme say somethings:

1: i'll try to keep chapters coming out as fast as i can, but no promises for them to be out everyday

2: whenever you feel as if something is confusing then ask, ill always reply

and thats it for the first chapter, but i think i might change the story name bc i kinda dont like it. idk what to change it too tho so you can comment a title if you think it fits!! anyway i hope you enjoy my story!!

also your allowed to predict what youll think will happen!!

bye wonderful readers!! ^^

The Apple Farms Unexpected Visitors. -DHMIS AND ANDY'S APPLE FARM CROSSOVER-حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن